Chapter 1 - This Is Me

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Well, hello! Good to see you here. I'm Jupiter. Jupiter Moon McKinnon Black, to be more precise. Yes, you read it well, Black. I am, in fact, the daughter of the infamous murderer Sirius Black. Yes, the one who blew up Peter Pettigrew and 12 innocent Muggles. The one who told You-Know-Who about James and Lily Potter's hiding spot, resulting in their assassination. The one who is now locked up in Azkaban, and has been for nearly a decade.

But do you want to know a secret? He's not actually a murderer. Yes, I know you probably don't believe me. For now, at least. But it's true. I myself was with him the night Uncle James and Aunt Lily were killed. I told the Ministry all I knew, I answered all their questions. But, apparently, they don't accept a statement done by a 3-year-old. Honestly, that's somewhat fair. But it's not a reasonable excuse, seeing that Moony must've said the exact same thing as me. But, then again, maybe they can't accept the explanation made by a lycanthrope, either. Anyway, I've come to realise that it was never a question of who made the statement. I've come to the conclusion that the Ministry just wanted someone to blame and Dad was all they could find. Well, Dad and 12 dead Muggles around him. The perfect crime scene, right? The poor victims miserably scattered around the lunatic murderer who was evil enough to betray his friends. Only Dad was not, in fact, the lunatic murderer. He is a victim too, caught in the middle of this messed up spider web. But, after all, who cares? As long as they can blame someone, Justice can go take a walk.

Since Dad was arrested, I've been living with Remus Lupin, the kindest, humblest human being you could ever think of. At least when he's not in his... time of the month. That condition (his 'little furry problem', as we usually call it) is what keeps him from holding a job for more than a month. And also what keeps him from even finding a job that accepts him. Therefore, we're not exactly rich. Which is totally fine for me. I owe Moony everything I have, for I would have nothing if it weren't for him. He was one of Dad's closest friends, a part of what they used to call 'The Marauders'. He must feel alone, being the only one with a semi-decent life out of all his friends. Or a life, at all. He always talks about the 'good old times' with a melancholic tone in his voice. But that just shows how much he loved them. Or loves, actually. I know all of them still hold a special place in his heart. Even Dad. Especially Dad.

My mum, Marlene McKinnon, was one of the brave souls who were slain by You-Know-Who's Death Eaters. All her side of the family was slaughtered along with her. Only Dad and I escaped, with the biggest of helps from the Order of the Phoenix. This happened the same year Dad was taken to Azkaban, so the small sense of security that staying alive brought us quickly left to Azkaban with Dad. But I always have pictures and Moony's memories. And, of course, those are never nearly as fun as the real moments behind them, but I'll have to be content with those, right? But, involuntarily, maybe from the faint remembrances I have from my mother, I always associate her with jovial sky blue eyes, sudden smiles and smart comebacks. Don't know if that was the real her or just some fantasy I made up but, for some reason, I don't feel the need to ask.

But, anyway, let's get back to me. I was born on the 11th of December 1977, to a Half-Blood mother and a Pureblood father. (So, yes, Grandma Walburga, that does make me a Half-Blood.) When I was born, Mum and Dad were in their 6th year at Hogwarts. So, of course, it was hard for them to keep everything going, but they made it through. And so did I, being taken care of by Madam Pomfrey whenever necessary. Now, I'm currently 11 years old, I'm healthy and reasonably happy and ready for my first year at the best wizarding school in Europe! Oh yes, this year I will leave Mrs Weasley's personal classes on the ordinary life of a wizard or witch, and ride up to the Scottish Highlands to learn from the wisest wizardry Professors! And, I will have the honour to share that experience with my two crazy best friends, Fred and George Weasley.

So, Hogwarts, you better prepare yourself. 

A/N: hey my nifflers! hope you liked this first chapter! this is a rewriting of the original chapter, so I hope it looks better this way!

anyway, stay home, wear a mask, stay safe, and may the Force be with you always :)


The Daughter of the Murderer - BOOK 1 - *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now