Chapter 15 - Gryffindor Wins

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"What's happening? It looks like he's going to throw up!" I hear Lee's voice yelling through all the noise "Wait... IT'S THE SNITCH! HARRY POTTER CAUGHT THE SNITCH! 150 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!".

"Gryffindor wins!" screams Madam Hooch.

I fly to the ground and see Katie and the twins looking around with enormous grins on their faces.

Harry is still holding the Snitch in the air, smiling widely, and everyone is cheering really loud.

I get to Harry.

"Hey! Good job, bud" I say, giving him a side hug. He smiles and returns the hug.

I look around and see that both Angelina and Oliver are still passed out on the floor. Then, I see Angie slowly waking up and looking around. Her face frowns, and she realizes what's happening when she looks at our smiling faces.

"We won?" she asks, hopeful. She looks around again, "We won! WE WON!".

And she runs to us, engulfing me in one of her tight hugs.

"I'll go check on Oliver, he's still passed out" I say. They all nod.

When I get there, I see that Madam Pomfrey got there first. She's already making sure he's alright. I try to go near him, to see if he's awake, but she says "Oh, no, dear. He's still unconscious. I'm taking him to the Hospital Wing now, but you can all go see him later".

She smiles sweetly and goes away, taking Oliver (floating) with her.


As usual, we're hosting a party at the Gryffindor Common Room tonight. And this one won't be a 'we have new Team members' type. It's going to be a 'WE FINALLY WON A DAMN MATCH' type. Yay!

"Sorry guys, McGonagall said first-years can't come..." I say sadly to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"But Harry caught the Snitch! He's part of the Team! You guys won't have won if Harry wasn't there!" says Ron.

"I know, that's what I told McGonagall, but she said it was 'school rules' and she can't do anything about it...".

They end up accepting it and going to their dorms.

//during the party//

Someone entered the Common Room door. It couldn't be Oliver, since Madam Pomfrey said he could only come for 5 minutes or something, to see how it was going, and he had already been here and gone back to the Hospital Wing.

It was Professor McGonagall. And that could only mean two things: or she came to see if we weren't drunk or anything; or we were being too loud.

She approaches me and says "Hello, how is everything going?". Surprisingly, her voice wasn't strict and fierce and usual. It was more... jovial and gleeful.

"It's alright, Professor" I answer, smiling.

"Do you mind if I stay here for some time?" she asks, "You see, I was also part of the Team when I studied here, and I still love it so very much, and it's great that we finally won against Slytherin after so many lost matches".

"Of course, Professor!" I say.

"Now, I know what I said about the 'school rules', but, since we won against Slytherin at last, I think there can be an exception..." she says.

"What do you mean, Professor?" I ask, hopeful that she's talking about the 'first-years rule'.

"Go on and tell the kids to come to the party" she responds, smiling, "I'll go get some Butterbeer".

Grinning, I approach the first-year girls' dorms, and open the door. No one's asleep yet.

"Hey girls!" I say. They all look at me. "McGonagall says we can break the rules today. C'mon, enjoy the party!".

The girls smile at me and run to the Common Room without a second thought.

I, then, go the boys' dorms, and open the door. They're not asleep either. Ron looks at me, hopeful.

"Oh, come on, get your arses off those beds! Minnie said we can go to the party!" I tell them.

Like the girls, they run to the Common Room without looking back. Harry gives me a wide smile and runs after them.

When I get back to the Common Room, McGonagall has already had too many Butterbeers, and is dancing like tomorrow won't arrive (A/N: WRITE DAY AND NIGHT LIKE YOU NEED IT TO SURVIVE! Ok, sorry... not sorry).

A day to remember, I would say...

A/N: hello my people! here's the 15th chapter, hope you liked it! it wasn't like this originally, but, since i felt more inspired today, i just rewrote it. anyways...

luv yaaaaaa

~luna loveniffler 💙

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