Chapter 8 - I Heard A Rumor...

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(A/N: i just have two things to say before the actual chapter: 1) the title is based on allison form the umbrella academy 😊, 2) i chose that quote ⬆ cus it's just so true and it's a really important affirmation. thank you. now on with the chapter...)

Have you heard the rumor? I'm sure you have; everyone has. Wait, I better explain, you're probably not understanding anything.

Second year already finished. There wasn't anything really important about it. It finished some weeks after the match. Oliver was still upset at the end of the year. But he's been planning everything that we'll have to do this year. We need a new Chaser and a new Seeker, so we'll do new tryouts. And we cannot lose the Cup. And how do I know that? Well:

'Dear Jupiter,

I've been planning everything that we will have to do this year during practice and matches. We'll practice 3 times per week; 5 times when we have a match near.

We need a new Chaser and a new Seeker, so I just hope someone decent decides to try out for Quidditch.

We really cannot let Slytherin win against us again. Or any other House. But Slytherin has won almost all the matches against us since Charlie Weasley left, and they always rub that in our faces. So...

We cannot lose the Cup this year. I'm willing to do whatever it takes, even kill a full team, for us to win the Cup. Was that too much? Not really, just don't be scared of me please.

I just hope you don't get mad at me if you have to wake up at 5 in the morning on a Sunday for Quidditch practice. Because you'll have to wake up at 5 in the morning on a Sunday for Quidditch practice if we have a match near.

With love,


This guy really needs a break...

Anyways, back to what we were talking about...

Rumor has it, that Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts this year. Yes, the Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived. The Chosen One.

I remember him. Not much, but I remember. He was just a baby the last time I saw him. He must've changed so much. He's 11 years old now! It's been so long since I last saw him... since his parents died...

People say Dumbledore sent him to live with the Muggles. His aunt and uncle, I guess. I think they hated him back there. They say that that family was as Muggle as it can be. They hated anything related to magic. Poor Harry... People say they even made him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs! Harry Potter, living in a cupboard under the stairs?! Merlin's beard...

My head is filled with questions. Does he remember me? I don't think he does, he was just over 1 year old... But it would be so good to have someone at school who I could talk to about Dad and Lily and Prongs... But he wouldn't remember anything, I'm sure. His Muggle family probably didn't even give him any information about his parents...

But maybe I can tell him. How his parents were; how it was when they were alive; our dinners together with Mum, Dad, Moony, Lily, Prongs, Peter; how they would say jokes that, even if no one understood, everyone would laugh...

He's in the same year as Ron, maybe we can meet him...

"Children, c'mon! The train is about to leave!" Mrs. Weasley's voice wakes me up.

We say our goodbyes and get in the train. We find Lee and Angie while looking for the compartment where I imagine Oliver is, surrounded, as usual, by Quidditch books.

"And we found him" says Angelina, stopping in front of a compartment.

There he was, surrounded, as usual, by Quidditch books, a kind of lunatic look on his face.

"Hey Woody!" say the twins.

He looks at us in shock.

"Oh! You're here! Um, sorry, let me clean this up" he says, startled.

We help him clean it all up and sit down as the train starts moving.

"So, as you already know, if you read the letter I sent you, I've planned it all" says Oliver, still looking like a psycho "All the practice sessions we'll have; all the matches we'll play; everything".

He started to explain all the stuff he planned, and all we were supposed to do.

"Look, Wood, we really respect your eternal love for Quidditch..." begins Fred.

"But you starting to sound like a psychopath... no offense" finishes George.

"What?! I'm just trying to help! Don't you want to win the Cup?!" says Oliver offended.

And the (friendly) argument continued, until:

"Enough! Can you stop acting like 6-year-old children?" Angelina yells.

The guys look at her in surprise and Lee and I give her a thumbs up, earning a small smile from her.


The train finally stopped, we got out, and got inside a carriage. We soon got to the castle and waited for the first-years to arrive.

"Finally" says Lee, when they arrive "I just hope this goes rapidly. I'm hungry".

We all chuckle slightly.

The Sorting Hat sings; McGonagall tells the kids the same things she told us before we got sorted, and the Sorting finally begins.

A girl called Hermione Granger gets sorted into Gryffindor, and happily walks to our table, where everyone claps.

"Malfoy, Draco" the teacher reads.

Oh, is that my lovely cousin Draco?

The Hat only touches his hair when it shouts:


Well, of course.

"Weasley, Ronald" she reads.

"Here we go" the twins whisper.

The Hat thinks for a bit, and Ron has a worried face, the kind of face he does when he's around Fred and George.


He sighs in relief and runs to us, a smile on his face.

"Congrats buddy" I tell him, giving him a side hug as he sits beside me.

"Thanks" he responds smiling.

"Potter, Harry".

The room falls silent. Everyone starts whispering and looking at the boy. He sits and McGonagall puts the Hat on top of his head.

Now that I finally get to look at his face, I realize how much he looks like Prongs. Not that I really remember James's face, but I've seen lots of old photos.

The Hat takes 2 or 3 minutes thinking. Everyone is staring at it. Waiting for it to shout their House's name.

"better be... GRYFFINDOR!" it finally shouts.

Our table bursts into happiness. We're all screaming, clapping, laughing...

"WE GOT POTTER! WE GOT POTTER!" the twins scream.

Harry runs to our table, receiving tons of handshakes, hugs, everything. He sits next to Ron, grinning.

The rest of the people are sorted, Dumbledore gives us his 'wise, beginning of the year, don't go to the Forest' speech, and the Feast begins.

A/N: hello again! here's chapter 8, hope you enjoyed it! i don't know if it is really good... i don't have lots of ideas now. i mean, i do, but it's just for the future... so, sorry if it's bad...

luv uuuuuu

~luna loveniffler 💙

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