Chapter 22 - Happee Birthdae Harry

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"What are you doing here?!" asks Harry, kind of alarmed, when we approach his bedroom window, which is blocked by some metal bars.

We had arrived at Privet Drive and tried not to make much noise; Harry told us these Muggles don't like anything unusual, specially his 'family', and waking them up in the middle of the night to see a flying car wouldn't be a very good idea.

"We're saving you, of course!" says Ron, "Just wait a second, we're getting this bars out of your window".

Ron attaches a hook to the bars and Fred drives away until they give up and separate from the window.

"Now get your trunk, c'mon!" says Ron, trying to keep calm and hurry up at the same time.

Harry hurriedly grabs his trunk and gives it to Ron. He passes it to me and George, who are in the back, so we can put it somewhere safe. Meanwhile, Harry's uncle enters his room and starts screaming at him.

"Harry, come on, get inside! Hurry up!" screams Ron, desperate.

"Wait! Where's Hedwig?!" Harry asks, immediately getting inside his room again and quickly grabbing a cage, which holds his snowy owl inside.

"HARRY GET INSIDE THE CAR!" yells Ron, on the verge of tears.

Harry is almost inside the car, when his angry uncle, whose face had become purple with rage, grabs him by the legs and tries to pull him inside the house again. We pull Harry inside the car and offer him the seat next to George.

His uncle fell out of the window and landed on top of some unsurprisingly perfect flowers that lived in the Dursleys garden. Harry's aunt and cousin came running to see where the man had landed and started screaming and crying at the sight, though they didn't seem capable of going down there to help him.

But their cries seemed non-existent over the sound of our laughter.

"Okay, we better get going," I say, "the way to The Burrow is still rather long...".

"Yeah, you're right" says Fred, starting to drive.

"Oh, by the way," I start.

"Happy birthday, Harry!" we all scream at the same time.

Harry flashes a big grin, and replies a quiet 'thank you'.


After some hours, the sun had risen, the sky was blue and there were some white clouds floating around.

The Burrow was standing there, in the middle of the green grass, its red roof and many chimneys illuminated by the sunlight.

"Wow..." I hear Harry whisper.

"Going down!" says Fred, driving us to the ground, luckily not killing us.

After the car is safe in the garage Mr Weasley had built, we quietly get inside, making sure Mrs Weasley doesn't catch us. As soon as Ron grabs a cupcake from the table, someone steps in front of us, their hands on their hips, looking pissed.

"Where. Have. You. Been?!" shrieks Mrs Weasley. "No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!".

Her fierce gaze softens when she looks at me and Harry.

"Of course I don't blame you two for anything. Oh, and happy birthday, Harry, dear" Harry whispers a 'thank you'. Mrs Weasley's soft smile disappears when she looks at her children again, her expression wanting an explanation.

"They were starving him, Mum!" says Ron, afraid to look her in the eyes, "They put bars on his windows!".

"Now, you better hope I don't put bars on your windows, Ronald Weasley!" she screeches.

The twins try to, unsuccessfully, supress a laugh. Mrs Weasley gives them a death glare and their smiles fade right away.

"Do you think this is funny?!" she screams at the twins, who shake their heads frantically.

She takes a very deep breath and managed to smile.

"Well, you haven't eaten in a long time, have you?" she says.

We shake our heads slowly.

"Oh, well, we better put some food in your stomach" and she flicks her wand, making all kinds of kitchen objects fly around and cook things.

We just watch it all in awe, and though we've seen this a thousand times, it never fails to impress.

Some minutes later, when everything is ready, we start eating. Meanwhile, Ginny comes in, giving us an apologising look.

"I didn't tell her anything, I swear!" she mutters when Mrs Weasley leaves the room, "She woke up and came to my bedroom to see if we were already awake, and then she asked me tons of questions when she realised Jupiter wasn't there. Then she went to Ron's bedroom, and Fred and George's bedroom, and found out they weren't there either. I gave every single excuse I could find; I said you all had gone on a walk, that went to play Quidditch with Cedric Diggory, I even said you went to visit that weird family that lives in that chess-rook-shaped house! But she went all crazy and started pacing around the house, and muttering under her breath and stuff... sorry" she looked down for a second, "Will you still do my chores?" she asks innocently.

We look at each other and start laughing loudly.

Mrs Weasley came back to see what happened, but we simply couldn't stop laughing. She ended up smiling at the sight of us, and even Percy, who was sitting a little far from us reading The Daily Prophet, gave a small chuckle.

Mr Weasley eventually came home; he hadn't left the Ministry last night, apparently. He started making questions about how the car was working (to which his wife replied with a fatal death glare), and how some Muggle things worked.

We spent the rest of our last day of Summer holidays playing Quidditch, Wizard's Chess, and pranking each other (and Percy... mainly Percy... but we love him).

Moony came in the evening and had dinner with us. He didn't want to spend the night, but Mrs Weasley asked what was the point of going home if he had to come back tomorrow, so he stayed.

And tomorrow? Well, tomorrow we're going back to Hogwarts (A/N: I GOTTA GET BACK TO HOGWARTS! I GOTTA GET BACK TO SCHOOOOOOL... fine, I'll shut my mouth...).

A/N: heyyyyy peopleeeeee! how r u?? hope ya liked the chapter!

so, yeah, i gonna watch black panther now (rest in peace king)

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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