Author's Note - PLEASE READ

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Hey, my nifflers!

I know that I haven't been too active here on Wattpad, so I wanted to apologize for that. I can't say that I didn't have time to write, because I'd be lying (although I did have some tests in the last month that kept me a bit busy).

But the truth is, ever since I started writing here I've had the wish to write something original and not just fanfics. While writing these books, I've managed to develop my creativity and expand my vocabulary to the point of being able to start some sketches on an original fantasy novel. It'll take some time - quite a lot of it, I expect - for it to be fully written, of course, but I sure am working on it. Not trying to sound like an expert (because I'm anything but an expert) or too full of myself, I actually do have some high hopes that it might come out great! But time and work will sort that out eventually.

Also, do not be frightened, I WILL NOT BE ENDING THIS BOOK'S SEQUEL OR LEAVE THE NEXT ONE IN THE SERIES UNWRITTEN. Because, yes, I'm planning for this to be a trilogy, if you didn't know. So, since the Summer holidays have begun and I now have more time to write, I've decided to - while keeping on writing the sequel and the original story - rewrite this book. 'Why', you're asking? Well, maybe you've noticed some plot holes (Jupiter's relationship with Harry, that Pygmy Puff she once bought, etc.) and some could-use-some-improvement writing. Now, don't worry, I won't be deleting the whole story. I'll just replace the chapters with their new versions and stuff. So, feel totally free to keep reading, but make sure to check out the new chapter versions! I don't think I'll announce anything as I replace the chapters, so maybe just come here now and then to check if they're already here. Also, it might take some time, because I'm still figuring if I'll need to add chapters or anything, so...

By the way, I've recently created a Tumblr account and, honestly, I'm loving the app! The community is so nice, there are amazing fanfics in there (especially one-shots), there are tons of memes and incorrect quotes, and a lot of other stuff. I totally recommend it!

Speaking of recommendations, y'all should listen to Maneskin! You might've heard of them if, like me, you're European. But if you haven't, they're an Italian rock band, they just won Eurovision, they're totally crazy and beautiful, and they're quite literally a cult to bi/pan/omni/poly/etc. people like me. Now, listen, rock might not be your style (it wasn't really mine, unless if it came from a musical, of course), but just try it. Those guys are the best. By the way, the pic at the top is of them. From left to right, they're Ethan Torchio (the drummer), Victoria de Angelis (the bassist), Damiano David (the vocalist), Thomas Raggi (the guitarist).

And I guess that's all for now...

Stay home, wear a mask, stay safe, and may the Force be with you, always

luv u, you're totally awesome!

~luna 💙

The Daughter of the Murderer - BOOK 1 - *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now