Chapter 32 - Oliver's Emotional Breakdown

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He caught it. He did! He flies up again, his right arm in the air, showing the golden ball, its wings moving, trying to escape.

There's a wave, no, a tsunami of cheers and applause coming, not only from the Gryffindor stands, but also from the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff stands.

We fly down, and I, somehow through all the noise, I hear someone's steps coming from behind. I turn around and see a teary-eyed Oliver Wood. He runs to me and throws his arms around my neck, crying uncontrollably.

"Hey, it's okay..." I say instinctively.

"I know!" he cries, "It couldn't be better!".

I laugh at his antics and hug him back tight.

"C'mon, I'll start crying if you keep crying..."

"Great, I don't mind if you cry too" I says.

"Woody!" I hear someone scream.

Oliver lets go, to see who's coming. Fred and George run to us, and engulf us in another hug.

"Hey! We want a group hug, too!" says Angie, coming with Katie and finding a spot to hug between the twins.

We let go after some moments, and see Harry smiling at the still screaming public.

The twins run to him and pick him up, seating him on their shoulders.

The crowd keeps cheering, along with Lee, who came to the Pitch to congratulate us. After some seconds, many students came from the stands, breaking the barriers, to join us. We were lifted by all of them, their hands holding us and transporting us to every corner of the stadium. From up there, I could see the ones who stayed on the stands. All the Slytherins had already left, apart from some fair players who were sadly clapping; better than just leave, right? Then, there was Percy, jumping like crazy, screaming at the wind, starting to run to us. And then, McGonagall. Crying like Oliver (maybe not as much as Oliver), but still that warming look on her usually fierce eyes: pride.

Dumbledore came to us, his blue eyes still mysterious, and a smile on his face. He hands us the Cup, which Oliver grabs and looks at with the biggest amount of love and admiration in his eyes that I've ever seen, and holds it up, making the people around scream even more.


When the storm of happy students calmed down, we walked to the dressing rooms.

Oliver's tears seem to be dry by now, so he motions for us to gather around.

"I um..." he says, his voice shaky, "I don't know what to say..." I don't think I'd ever hear him saying that. "This was so important to me, I..." his eyes start to get teary again. I put a hand on his shoulder. He hugs me again and I can't help but smile, motioning for the others to join another group hug.

"Thank you" he mutters through more tears, now coming from basically all the Team.


Time to plan the party. Honestly, I don't think I need anything else today. We already won the Cup, I saw best friends, especially Oliver, happier than ever; I saw the devastated look on Flint's face... and Draco's; I saw the look on McGonagall's teary eyes; I saw Percy jumping in happiness... I even saw Percy running to us, and just imagine, hugging us. Yep, it's true. He came to us and threw his arms around Oliver, making him, very slightly, blush (A/N: I kinda ship it... yes... I ship it). And then he hugged the rest of us. He even seemed proud of the twins. Wow...

Now, who needs a party now? I'm tired... But, the rest of the Gryffindors want it, so we'll definitely have a party. And I'm betting it's going to be one of those that last until 1AM. Maybe I'll go to bed during it... Maybe I'll go to bed now... just a nap before the storm of Gryffindors come and the party begins...

A/N: hey my nifflerssss! hope you're all good, and hope you liked this chapter!

i gotta go, but yeah, sorry i didin't publish yesterday, i didn't have time.

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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