Chapter 11 - Sharing Memories With The Boy Who Lived

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After we see the trophies, I take Harry back to the Common Room.

"What do you know about them?" he suddenly asks.

"Your parents?".


"I know a bunch of stuff... What do you want to know?".

He looks at the floor for a moment.

"Everything. Everything you know".

I smile.

We get inside the Common Room and find a quiet spot near a window. The rays of sun enter the room and give it a different type of light. It makes it a kind of nostalgic view.

I tell him a bunch of stuff that I know and then I remember something.

I go to the dormitory and start searching in my trunk for some old pictures Remus gave me. I finally found them. I go back to the Common Room, taking them with me.

"Here" I say, giving Harry the pictures.

They're five: one of them has Dad, Moony, James, and Peter, sitting in the grass next to the Whomping Willow, laughing at something; the other has them dancing by themselves at Lily and James's wedding day; another with Lily and James at their own wedding; them happy after winning a Quidditch match; and the last one, a 3-year-old me playing with a baby Harry. Looking at the date, I see it was taken just a month before the disaster.

Harry is staring at the photos, his eyes shining.

"I-is that them...?" he asks, his voice shaky, pointing at Lily and James's smiling faces at their wedding.

"Yes... It was at their wedding" I respond.

"And in that one" he asks, pointing at the 3-year-old Jupiter and the 1-year-old Harry "Is that... me?".

"Yup. It was at one of those dinners they used to have" I say, remembering the hang outs as if they happened yesterday.

"And who's the girl?".

"Oh, that? That's a 3-year-old version of the Insanely Cool Jupiter Black (A/N: this was a Dear Evan Hansen reference, btw)!".

"So... you knew me? Like, before I was... 'famous'?"

"Oh yeah, I did. It's always an honour to say that I met Harry Potter before he was The Boy Who Lived" I respond, smiling. He chuckles a bit.

And we kept talking and laughing until Ron came, saying he had been searching for Harry for the past half an hour. Then Harry left, giving me a, kind of unexpected, hug.


"Hey! Jupiter!" says a voice behind me. I'm currently sitting alone under a tree.

I turn to see Harry running in my direction.

I put on a smile "Hey. What's up?".

He sits beside me.

"A girl in my class said she had been 'searching some random stuff about Dark wizards'" he begins.

Oh no.

"And...?" I say, trying to sound unpreoccupied.

"And she found a man called Sirius Black who's in jail" he says, giving me a suspicious look.

And there goes my plan...

"Oh... She did...?" I stutter.

"Yes. She said he was accused of being a spy for You-Know-Who, betraying his friends, even killing one himself, and murdering 12 Muggles!".

"And what do you want me to say...?" I ask, knowing that my idea of rebuilding our, short-lasting, friendship was no longer possible.

"I... I just wanted to know if that's true...?" he says, not sounding angry or suspicious anymore.

"Um..." just tell him the truth, he already knows it anyways "Yes, it is true. Sirius Black, my father, is now locked up in jail because he was, as you said, accused of being a Death Eater and a killer".

There was silence.

"I know this will sound crazy. And that you'll probably never talk to me after it. But, since you most likely hate me already, I'm just going to say it" I start. He looks at me in the eye "He's innocent. I myself was with him in the night your parents... died. We were watching a Muggle movie with Remus. Then Dad said he was going to 'check on Peter', to see if he was okay. After that, all I know is that Remus received a letter from Professor Dumbledore, saying Lily and James were killed," Harry flinched a little "Peter was also dead, and Dad was sent to Azkaban. That's all I know. Now, you can believe me or not. It's your choice, I won't blame you".

More silence. Harry looked at me, his eyes teary, and left without a word.

A/N: hi everyoneeeee! how r y'all doin'?? hope you enjoyed the new chapter! it was a bit shorter wasn't it? the next one is even shorter. and yes, that is possible. anyways...

luv uuuuuuuu

~luna loveniffler 💙

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