71. Fitting the Mask

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A/N - Wowsers, would you look at that! It's only been 5 weeks since the last update! 😬🙈 I tried, I really did try to get an update done sooner than this, but I just have had way too much else going on. As it is, I sort of impromptu took this morning off from work, even though I have a gazillion things I should be doing, because I wanted to finish this update! (Sorry, kashariak - turns out I'm just as competitive as you know who! 😉 Oops 😂🙈)
Thank you so much to everyone who's continuing to read this story, even though it's dragged on for so long. Your support is much appreciated! ❤ -H. x

"Is...Is everything okay??"

Dec's steely gaze turned on them, serious green eyes almost a dark bluish-gray as they stared straight into the very depths of the other person's soul. "No, it's not. You and me need to talk."

Anne-Marie gulped nervously at the fire sparking in Dec's eyes, starting to suspect just exactly why he had shown up at her house unannounced and uninvited. Making her way over to the settee, she perched on the edge, head tipping back to meet Dec's gaze as he remained standing a few paces in front of her.

"Wh-, what's going on?" she asked hesitantly, unnerved by Dec's stern silence and grave expression.

"That's what I'd like to know," Dec intoned finally, voice heavy and dripping with displeasure. "What the hell do you think you're playing at?!"

"Is all this because Ant and I had a fight?" Anne replied almost incredulously after a few moments' silence, "He was being a d***!"

Anne-Marie paled as Dec visibly bristled at her words, normally light and vibrant green eyes turning dark with fury and hands clenching into fists at his sides. He advanced on her – bounding forward one, two steps until he was right in front of her, leaning down to be eye level, breath coming out in short puffs as he worked to control his anger.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?!"

Anne merely shrunk back from him by way of response, his irate green irises boring into hers from only inches away. For such a petite man, he certainly could be intimidating!

She'd never seen this side of him before. Of course she'd heard stories, and Ant had affectionately called him by his nickname of Scrappy Doo more than once or twice in her presence, but actually seeing him like that in person? Well, that was a whole different kettle of fish!

Perhaps sensing her fear, Dec backed off a bit, although his gaze and posture were no less fierce. "I thought I could trust you," he said finally, voice sharp and acidic.

Feeling irritation creep up on her at Dec's tone, Anne responded curtly, "Every couple has arguments."

"But Ant is FRAGILE right now," Dec's raised voice made Anne jump slightly, "He's f***ing fragile, do you hear m-e?!?" His voice cracked and eyes slammed shut, a couple of tears slipping out from underneath his short eyelashes as he turned away and pressed a trembling hand to his mouth in an attempt to regain control of his emotions.

Unsure of what to do, Anne sat stock still and silent, waiting for Dec to continue the conversation...If you could call it a conversation – it felt more like a b*ll***ing, if she was honest. But despite her lingering resentment towards Ant for the things that had been said during their row the day prior, the spark of worry which she'd been tamping down ever since she'd stormed out of Ant's rental home was fanned by Dec's clear concern over his best friend. Was Ant in a bad way?

Anne's eyes refocused as Dec spoke again, voice now laced through and through with pain. "Ant...He's like a part of me, Anne. And seein' him like this – it k-ills me." He paused, chest expanding with a shuddery breath. "I-, I always thought Ant was so-...so strong, and-, and unbreakable...But he's not, Anne, he's not. And yeah, I knew that he struggled sometimes – we all do – but not like-..." He caught himself as his voice wobbled, continuing, "Now he's-...he's in recovery, he's not in a good place yet."

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