65. He Couldn't Bear It

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A/N - Hello, all my lovely readers! I. Am. Back! I am so sorry that you've had to wait soooo long for this update! First things first - I *did* pass my board exam! I've never been so relieved in my life! 😅 And secondly, apologies that it's taken me nearly two weeks past my exam date to finally update. I have been trying to decompress from 5 years of college and stress whilst simultaneously worrying about my future and trying to figure out my next step forward in life. So I've not really been in the right frame of mind to write. 🤦‍♀️

However, I am now back, and will be attempting to update at least weekly as before. Thank you all so very much for your patience, and I hope that your interest in this story has not waned due to the long pause in updating. Bizarrely, despite no updates in over 6 weeks (I am so sorry! 😭) this story just hit 18K yesterday, and the reading count is still skyrocketing. Welcome to all of my new readers, and to my long-term readers, thanks, as ever, for your support. ❤ -H. x

Ali squeezed Dec's clammy, trembling palm as she slid her hand into his. She'd read Ant's message over Dec's shoulder, and had sensed the dark cloud of lonely misery descending over her husband as he fidgeted with his bowtie and prepared to walk the red carpet without his best friend.

She felt strangely helpless, despite being right there next to him as he awaited his cue to step onto the crimson walkway. She and Dec had walked multiple red carpets together since they became a couple, and countless others as professional colleagues. Being in the spotlight was old hat for Dec; in fact, he usually relished it, beaming brightly and cracking witty jokes with photographers and industry peers alike. 

Not today.

"Okay, Dec, you're on!" smiled the red carpet attendant, ushering them and their small entourage out into the bright sunshine, the wild cries from overexcited fans increasing exponentially upon spotting the Geordie and his wife.

Ali took the first step forward, tugging lightly on Dec's hand as he followed her lead, tension exuding from him even as he attempted a few calming breaths and pasted a bright smile onto his drawn face. The crowd clamored as they slowly stepped down the walkway together, exchanging pleasantries with fellow celebs and Dec occasionally stopping to take a quick selfie or sign an autograph for a jabbering fan.

Both Simon Jones and Ali were on high alert, keeping an eye out for reporters hoping to catch Dec by surprise and accost him in search of some juicy quotes to publish. It was like second nature for Ali to do this, having served as the boys' manager for so many years and guided them through countless such situations. So when she noticed a young woman with a mic and camera crew approaching, there was no hesitation as Ali quickly drew Simon's attention and hustled Dec along without any explanation.

Dec understood immediately, eyes anxiously darting this way and that and not looking at all at where he was going....Until he bumped into something very solid and a deep, familiar voice sounded from above him, "Hey, Dec! Long time no see! How you doing, mate?"

Stumbling backwards with a muttered apology, Dec glanced up only to find Richard Arnold, from Good Morning Britain, grinning down at him. Dec gave a rueful smile. "Erm, s-sorry...Wasn't looking where I was going. Ehm...It's good to see you, too, Richard."

"So how's single life treating you, then?" Richard grinned, winking.

Dec gazed up at him in confusion for a moment, tugging on Ali's hand and pulling her up alongside him. "Single...? You've met me wife, Ali...."

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