45. Can't You See?

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A/N - Hey, everyone! Apologies....I know it's been longer than a week. This final semester really is a killer, and I've not even started my internship yet! 😭 I barely have any time for writing at the moment, and it's just going to get worse. And when I do have time, it's always silly o'clock in the morning and I typically only get a few hundred words in before I fall asleep. It's so frustrating! 😖 So my updates may be rather more sporadic than I - and you! - would like. I'm sorry. 😞 But for now, here's the next chapter. I worked long and hard to try to get this one right, so hopefully it's not a trainwreck. Please do let me know what you think, if you have time and are so inclined. I'm back to having zero time to reply to comments again (boo! 😢), but I do read each and every one and greatly appreciate them all. Thanks for reading and supporting, as always! (And oh my goodness, how did this hit 8K views this morning?! Wowsers! 😲) 💗 -H. x

"Ant?" A soft, sweet voice floated through the hall, heels clicking on the hardwood floor as the home's owner made her way through the silent house. Ant had texted her over an hour ago saying the session was finished and he was ready to go home whenever she was free. Unfortunately, what should have been a 20-minute drive turned into an hour's long slog through backed up traffic due to a nasty accident resulting in a diversion.

Ant's coat was still hanging up in the foyer, though, so he was definitely here somewhere. She just couldn't quite figure out why he wasn't in the family room – his phone was, but he wasn't. She'd already checked the main bathroom, but the door was wide open with no sign of her boss anywhere. Calling his name again, Anne-Marie made her way through the kitchen, noting that there were three freshly washed mugs drying by the sink. She'd told him not to bother with the washing up, yet he clearly had anyway. She smiled to herself. He could be so stubborn sometimes!

But the continued silence in the house was becoming rather quite disturbing now. Perhaps he'd gone outside for a vape? Switching on the hall light, Anne moved quietly across the carpeted floor, a soft thud sounding with each step she took in her heeled boots. Not bothering to check her girls' rooms, knowing Ant would never go in unless invited, she headed for the half-bathroom, thinking perhaps he'd gone there rather than the main one off the family room. Mid-step, she froze. The lights were on in her office. Why on earth would he be in her office?!

Stepping closer, she poked her head 'round the door, her mouth falling open at the scene that met her eyes. On the floor was one of her favorite photos of her and her two daughters, glass shards littering the floor immediately surrounding the broken frame. And in the corner of the room was Ant, crying silently whilst turning a pair of scissors over and over in his hands, his knees partially drawn up to his chest.

Alarmed, Anne-Marie let out a gasp, making Ant's head snap up from where it had been hanging dejectedly, eyes fixed on the shimmering metal. Upon seeing her, his heartbroken expression took on a distinct aura of guilt. "Ant," she gasped out, holding a hand to her racing heart, "What the heck happened? Are you okay? Who broke my picture? What's going on???"

At her volley of questions, Ant sucked in a shuddering breath, opening his mouth only to close it again. Instead of answering with words, a sob broke past his lips and he shook his head, teary eyes filled with pain and sadness. Her heart breaking at his extremely distraught state, Anne-Marie quickly crossed the distance between them, carefully lowering herself to the floor next to her friend and employer and wrapping him up in a soft embrace.

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