54. Jealous

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A/N - Apologies for the delay in updating...I contracted a nasty case of writer's block and had to take a little break. I will try to keep updating as frequently as possible, but I'm working my way through a sticky patch in the story right now, so it might take a bit longer than expected. Anyway, here's the latest installment. I'm not totally happy with it, so hopefully it doesn't disappoint. Thanks for reading, as always!! And also, just a quick note, if you've not seen the little one-off story I published earlier this week, All You Need is Love, feel free to head over to my page and check it out! ❤ -H. x 

"S***!" Dec exclaimed under his breath, his anxiety level visibly skyrocketing.

"What?" Ant shuffled closer to Dec on the couch, peering over his shoulder. "Sommat wrong?"

"Al," Dec's voice was sharp with worry, "She had a nasty headache this morning, was feeling a bit off-color. Said she'd be fine...Told her to text me if it got worse."

"And?" Ant prompted, brow furrowing as Dec opened FaceTime and stabbed the call button for Ali.

"She's just been sick," Dec mumbled, a shiver running through his slight frame, "Says her head's killing and she's gonna go for a nap."

Before Ant had a chance to respond, a bleary-eyed Ali appeared on Dec's phone screen, her pale, damp-looking face framed by her flowing blond hair which was spread out around her on a pillow.

"Dec?" she smiled weakly, "I told you I'm fine, love, I just figured I should tell you otherwise you'd get all stroppy when you found out later. It's just a migraine, I think."

Ignoring her reassurances, Dec blurted out, "Babe, d'you want me to come home? I can come home, I don't like you feelin' that rough all on your own."

"No!" Ali protested, "I'm not having you come home and miss your afternoon with Ant. I'm okay, honest. I've got Rocks all cuddled up with me, see?" She swiveled her phone to show Rocky curled up next to her, his head on her chest and half-open eyes lazily following his mistress' movements, tail wagging languidly.

Brows furrowing, she peered more closely at the screen. "Where is Ant, anyway?"

Leaning closer, Ant popped his head over Dec's shoulder, his fringe brushing against Dec's cheek. "Hiya!" he grinned, waving.

Immediately, an excited yip met their ears, and the next moment, a big black nose blocked the camera view. Ali's tinkling laughter was heard in the background as more loud, distorted yips came through the speaker and the camera view was buffeted up and down by the insistent poking of Rocky's nose.

"Awww, Rocky!" Ant cooed, a massive grin lighting up his face, "Do you miss your Uncle Ant, do you? Maybe you can convince your daddy to bring you along for a visit one of these days, eh? And I'll feed you loads of treats and you can have some time in the back garden with Hurls? What do you think, eh, Rocky?"

A long string of enthusiastic barks punctuated Ant's words, only stopping when Ali lifted Rocky away from her phone with another weak laugh, holding the excitedly wriggling pup tightly to her side.

"I don't think he's missed you at all, Ant," Ali teased, adding with a small smile, "It's good to see your face. You having a good chat, the two of you?"

Ant and Dec exchanged a sidelong glance, both unsure of how to answer that particular question.

"Oh, for goodness' sake!" Ali exclaimed, exasperation more than obvious, "Don't tell me you've been rowing again!!"

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