New Suits

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(Nobody's POV)

The Sea of Sand was filled with the sounds of engines roaring as the Serpentine's vehicles raced across the sand, with Rattlecopters flying above. The Serpentine were victorious in finding the first Fang Blade and were now on their way to the Lost City of Ouroboros

After driving through the hot desert for what felt like hours the Serpentine finally reached the point on the map where the City of Ouroboros should be, the Rattlecopters landed down onto the sand allowing for Lord Garmadon, Pythor and the Serpentine Generals look around for the lost city 

"Thisssss map is completely usssselessss!" Skales shouted in frustration as the City of Ouroboros was nowhere to be seen 

"Be patient Skales" Pythor told Skales as he slithered around handing out shovels to the Serpentine "We will just have to find it first"

"How could you Serpentine even lose a city?!" Lord Garmadon asked Pythor and the Serpentine Generals as he lazily threw himself onto his portable beach chair 

"We didn't!" Acidicus spat at Lord Garmadon "Shortly after the SSSSSerpentine War a large ssssandssssstorm buried the city making it lossssst"

"SSSSSSSo we're jusssst going to dig up the entire SSSSSSea of SSSSand until we uncover it all?!" Skalidor asked Pythor frustrated 

"Oh heavens no" Pythor replied to Skalidor "Somewhere buried under all this sand there should be some sort of mechanism to free the city of it's sand tomb"

"It will take usssss forever to find thissss mechanissssm you ssspeak of!" Fangtom groaned as he slammed his reclaimed staff into the sand, once the staff made contact with the grainy terrain a metallic clang filled the ears of everyone nearby

Pythor smirked and slithered over to Fangtom, his scaly hand brushed away some of the sand revealing an ancient Serpentine mechanism buried into the ground

"You were saying?" Pythor grinned at Fangtom

Pythor's scaly hand grabbed onto the mechanism and twisted it, the mechanism made a clicking noise as the sand around them began to sink into the ground. All around them Serpentine architecture began to rise up from the sand, revealing the Lost City of Ouroboros

"It'ssssss magnificent!" Skales admired the city as it was fully raised from the sand 

"You Serpentine sure love your own faces" Lord Garmadon commented as he looked around the city, noticing all the Serpentine heads on the buildings and walls 

"There it issss!" Acidicus pointed at a large Serpentine monument, Pythor slithered towards it and wickedly smiled 

"This is it! The Great Devourer's statue!" Pythor told the other Serpentine Generals and Lord Garmadon "The Great Devourer is sealed within it!"

Pythor crawled his way up the statue and stopped at the mouth, placing the Fang Blade they had secured into one of the four teeth of the statue   

"Only three more to go until Ninjago suffers from our wrath!" Pythor exclaimed to the other Serpentine who all cheered him on 

Pythor took in the cheers and looked down on all the Serpentine with pride, soon everything he has ever desired would be his

(Skylor's POV)

Yesterday sure was eventful, Jay doesn't seem to be showing any signs of side effects so it looks like the Secret Ninja Force is back to having it's eight members, and with the Serpentine having one out of the four Fang Blades we're gonna need all hands on deck! 

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