Return to the Fire Temple

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(Kai's POV)

"How long are these Serpentine going to be flying?!" I complained while lying down on the Destiny's Bounty wooden deck "It feels like we've been following them for hours!"

"If you wish to know how long we have been following their Rattlecopters then the answer to your question would have to be exactly 5 hours, 25 minutes and 12 seconds" Zane turned around and answered me, I groaned in frustration at how long we've been after these snakes!

"Why don't you just relax Kai?" Skylor asked while she walked over to me

"I can't exactly relax with all of this water around" I told my girlfriend as I begun to stand up 

"Why? Isn't it relaxing being on the water?" Skylor asked as she took hold of my hand, a slightly worried expression on her beautiful face. Letting out a nervous chuckle I knew it was time to tell her my greatest fear 

"Well you see" I scratched the back of my head, getting embarrassed "I'm very afraid of water"

My confession was met with quite a few chuckles and giggles, making me really earn my red Ninja rank

"I-Ironic that the F-Fire Ninja is afraid of w-w-water!" Jay laughed loudly, but a quick fiery glare from me snapped him out of his laughing and immediately sent him behind Lloyd 

"Well don't you worry hothead, with me at your side you'll forget all about your fear of water" Sky pecked me on the cheek, which really helped me forget about the whole water fear fiasco

"Ugh, you two are so gross" Nya puffed with her arms crossed and her back turned to me and Sky 

More laughs were let out at Nya's childish behaviour and Sensei soon joined us on the deck, he gave us a confused look before stroking his iconic white beard 

"It seems to be getting a little late" Sensei told us, looking at how dark it had become "I have sent Zane to the kitchen to prepare a meal for us, in the meantime I want you all to head into the ship and prepare for bed"

"Bed!?" Cole shouted out, jumping off the crate he was jamming out on "But Sensei we have to follow the Serpentine!"

"Do not worry Cole, we will continue to follow them" Sensei calmly told Cole "I will continue to sail the ship whilst you all rest"

"But don't you need rest too Sensei?" Harumi asked the old man, who chuckled at her question 

"As long as I have my tea I will be perfectly fine" Sensei replied to the white haired girl, quickly revealing a small wooden table with plenty of tea out of thin air, he sure does love his tea 

All of us looked at each other with the same thought before shrugging our shoulders and making our way into the ship, which was filled with the scent of Zane's cooking, a very welcomed scent after having to deal with Cole's cooking last week. Jay was unusually quiet that day

We took turns getting dressed in the small bathroom aboard the Destiny's Bounty. Once we were all changed into our colourful pyjamas with our symbols sewed on to the right chest pocket Zane presented us with our meal he prepared, which looked absolutely amazing! 

"Zane this food looks delicious!" Lloyd complimented the chef while we all sat down at the small dining table  

"Thank you very much Lloyd" Zane brightly smiled towards the green pyjama teen before joining us at the dining table

"T-T-This is way b-better than C-Cole's cooking!" Jay happily munched on Zane's fantastic meal, glad his mouth wasn't glued shut 

"Hey!" Cole shouted towards the eating blue pyjama Ninja "I didn't hear you complain when I asked if anyone had any problems with the food I made"

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