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(Seliel's POV)

"So what's the deal with Kai?" I asked my friends as I took a seat beside my boyfriend Cole, setting my tray of food onto the lunch table "It feels like he's avoiding us"

"K-K-Kai? Avoiding u-us?! I don't k-k-know what you're talking a-about Seliel!" Jay stuttered out with a nervous chuckle as he began to eat his lunch. Is he being serious? Kai hasn't been to school in like a week! I've tried to text him to see what's up but I've gotten no response

"I'm sure he's just..........busy" Cole said to me, swallowing his second slice of cake he bought

"Busy? With what?" I asked my boyfriend, confused on what thing Kai could be busy with. The only thing that really comes to mind is that he's busy putting all hair gel out of stock

"Kai's fine Seliel, there's no reason to worry" Nya told me with a smile, but I could tell she was forcing it. Has Kai gotten himself involved with some bad apples? I sure hope not, I would hate to see Nya and Skylor deal with that..........speaking of Skylor 

"Is everything going alright between you two Skylor? You guys didn't break up or anything did you?" I asked the red head, almost making her spit out her drink at the question 

"What?! Me and Kai breakup!? That's crazy talk Seliel!" Skylor laughed before returning to her lunch, trying to drop the conversation. Looking at everyone else at the table I just know they're hiding something from me, and with Jay sweating like crazy from the simplest of questions about the spiky haired teen I just know that I'm onto something! Have they all gotten themselves involved with some bad apples? 

"Let's just enjoy our lunch shall we? All this Kai talk can wait for after school" Lloyd spoke up, ending the conversation before I could pressure Jay into spilling the beans. Reluctantly nodding my head I joined my boyfriend in enjoying some cake for lunch, which took awhile to get used to but I gotta say Cole is really onto something

It didn't take long for us to finish our lunch and for the end of lunch bell to ring, teachers spilled into the Cafeteria and started to usher us towards the last few classes of the day. Thankfully those last few classes of the day went by pretty smoothly, only a minimal amount of homework so that's good. Once I left my final class of the day I soon found Cole leaving his last class and we of course decided to walk out of the school together, hand in hand

Stepping out of the boring school building Cole and I were both greeted by the others who looked relieved they could finally leave the school grounds now that we finally left the building. As usual we all walked down the streets of Ninjago City together until I had to depart from the group and head home, but I made sure to leave Cole with a parting gift on the cheek before leaving for my hometown. I sure hope dad isn't busy with his Nom work, I could really use his help with some of my homework........

(Zane's POV)

After saying our goodbyes to our dear friend Seliel Jones, the other Ninja and I continued on our way to the Warehouse. I am very eager to see what we will be doing today, perhaps we shall learn a new skill? Or perhaps if Sensei does not have any Ninja training planned for the day we could all play a board game! Oh I do enjoy myself a good old fashioned board game, even if I am unclear about what draws me to them I do know that I always enjoy myself. Serpentine and Ladders has got to be at the top of my board game ranking, and now that we are currently dealing with the Serpentine it really makes me want to retrieve a copy of the board game to play with the others. Maybe if we decide to have another sleepover I could bring it and we could all have some good board game fun! Though I do believe the others are more interested in video games, which I do not blame them, they can truly be incredible. But for me nothing will ever beat a classic board game

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