Fun-sized Ninja

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(Harumi's POV)

"Hurry! They're getting away!" Lloyd shouted behind him, turning the corner and keeping on the trail of his father and the slimy Serpentine, it's getting pretty hard to follow them in the dark 

"Come on Zane bring that light back!" I yelled out as I chased after my boyfriend, almost running into a lamppost. I hate to admit it but I'm having some serious difficulty keeping up with Garmadon and these snakes "Ugh, is it just me or have these guys gotten a lot quicker?" Kai panted as he ran 

Kai's right, did Garmadon use that Mega Weapon to give them all super fast sneakers? With all of our Ninja training we surely would have caught them by now

"Anyone else feel like they're already out of breath?" I asked the other Ninja as I breathed heavily, ugh damn these masks! Sometimes it's very hard to breathe with them on, especially when running after insanely fast Serpentine! 

"Maybe it's just me being tired, but it really feels like all of our Ninja training has just vanished" Nya jogged beside me, stumbling after Lloyd as the four of us turned another corner in pursuit of Garmadon 

We all suddenly came to a stop, as none of us could see Garmadon or the Serpentine anywhere, argh we were too slow! At least we can finally have a moment to rest.....

"They got away" Lloyd grumbled, putting his sword onto his back and walking over to the rest of us, looking just as tired "Wait, where's Zane?" Lloyd asked, pointing out that the Nindroid wasn't even with us 

"He must be lagging behind" Nya suggested "Come on, let's go get him and head home" She said, beginning to walk back to the museum "Lagging behind? That doesn't sound like Zane" I couldn't help but say, usually he's the one at the front, I mean come on he's a Nindroid! He can't get tired! I think...

As the four of us made our way back to the museum hoping to run into Zane, I had the strangest feeling that everything was......bigger? Probably just my eyes struggling to see in the dark, now I really want to find Zane so I can actually see what's going on! The flashlights on our phones will have to do for now I suppose

We grew closer to the large yellow building of the museum and still we saw no signs of Zane, maybe he couldn't keep up so decided to just go home? Ugh, it's too late for all these questions! Where are you Zane?! Usually you're the smart one but right now you're not quite acting like it! 

"Hey guys! Check this out!" Kai snickered as he stood in front of a cracked mirror leaning against the alleyway, gesturing for us all to come look at the thrown out junk "It's like one of those mirrors at a funhouse!" He laughed as the rest of us looked at the mirror, gazing at our funny looking reflections

"We all look so small" I giggled, becoming slightly embarrassed by how high my voice sounded, thankfully I don't think any of the others noticed. Kai moved around to try and make himself look even weirder in the mirror but his reflection stayed short "Aw man, I wanted to see myself all tall and wide" He groaned in disappointment 

Nya playfully punched her brother in the arm with a laugh "Don't worry bro, with a little more hair gel you can be as tall as you want" 

"Okay I think that's enough looking at mirrors" Lloyd told us, I could tell he was suppressing a laugh under his mask "We've really got to focus on finding Zane" My boyfriend said as he continued towards the museum

"Uh can we maybe take a moment to rest first?" I bashfully asked my boyfriend "That chase really tired my legs out" I told Lloyd while trying to give him my best puppy dog eyes, but with all the sweat underneath my mask it probably looked like I was crying 

After looking at me with his arms crossed, he let out a sigh and finally gave into my cuteness, or my ugly crying "Fine, we can take a few minutes to rest" Lloyd said to us, I know that he wanted a break just as much as we do "Nobody should be able to see us here, so it's safe to unmask"

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