Island Escape

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(No one's POV)

"Ugh it's so hot!" Kai complained as he laid down under some nearby palm trees 

"I hate this island!" Cole shouted in frustration as he kicked some sand 

The ninja have been stuck on this island for 3 days, with no ship to sail away with, they had no idea how to get back to their quest of getting all 5 of the Golden Weapons 

"Jay are you sure that you and Nya can't fix the bounty?" Kai turned his head to ask Jay

"Y-y-yes Kai I'm s-sure we can't, t-the ship is way too d-damaged to fix!" Jay said for the 100th time as he too laid under some palm trees 

"Ugh with no ship there's no way we're getting off this island!" Cole groaned as he used his Scythe of Quakes to break a plank of wood in half 

"Oh come on Cole, there has to be some way we can get off this island" Nya said as she slid down from a coconut tree with coconuts in her hands 

"Ninja never quit Cole!" Lloyd said to his teammate as he finished drinking from a coconut 

"Good thing I installed solar power into my system before we left" Zane said as the sun charged him up 

The ninja were all starting to get used to life on the island, most were convinced they would be stuck on the island for the rest of their lives, Jay of course being "they" and "most"

"Maybe Sensei has some wise mumbo jumbo he can tell us that'll get us off this island" Kai suggested 

"I'll go ask" Lloyd said leaving the ninja as he walked across the sand to talk to his Uncle who was peacefully meditating at their campfire 

"Uh Sensei?" Lloyd spoke making Wu snap out of his meditation and turn his attention to his nephew 

"What is it Lloyd? Can't you see I'm meditating?" Wu asked Lloyd as he joined him by the campfire 

"That's all you've been doing since we crashed on this island!" Lloyd spoke in frustration at his Sensei

"My meditation is very important Lloyd, it allows me to have a clear mind and be as wise as I am" Wu smiled at his nephew 

"Well can your meditation help us get off this island?" Lloyd asked Sensei 

"My meditation does not include island survival Lloyd, you and the other ninja must figure out how to get off this island by yourselves. A good ninja team should be able to work together and be creative" Wu instructed Lloyd as he went back to meditating, Lloyd sulked and walked back over to the other ninja 

"What did he say?" Nya asked Lloyd 

"He said he can't help us, we have to figure it out by ourselves" Lloyd told the other ninja who all groaned 

"H-h-how are we s-supposed to do t-that?!" Jay groaned in frustration

"Hey I got an idea!" Cole spoke up grabbing everyone's attention 

"What is it Cole?" Lloyd asked interested 

"Well back when I got my Scythe of Quakes, the First Spinjitzu Master said something about an elemental dragon! I bet I could use that to fly us all off the island!" Cole suggested to the other ninja 

"Zane do you remember this happening to you?" Nya asked the nindroid 

"Yes Nya, the First Spinjitzu Master mentioned that I and Cole will be able to summon elemental dragons" Zane told the ninja 

"Then summon the dragons and get us off this island!" Kai said jumping up 

"I would if I knew how to!" Cole responded to Kai 

"Maybe Sensei can actually help us with this" Nya said leading the ninja over to the meditating Sensei Wu 

Sensei Wu let out a sigh once he felt the ninja's eyes on him, he opened up his eyes and lifted his head to look at his students who had just interrupted his meditation time 

"What is it now?" Wu asked slightly annoyed 

"We know how to get off the island!" Lloyd said excitedly

"Oh? Please do tell" Wu said standing up and stroking his beard 

"Well I and Zane just need to summon our elemental dragons and we'll be out of here in no time!" Cole told Sensei Wu 

"Then what are you waiting for? Summon your elemental dragons and get us off this island" Wu said to Cole as he grabbed his staff for balance 

"That is why we are here Sensei, we need your teachings to help us summon our elemental dragons" Zane said to Wu

"That I can help with" Wu said gesturing to Zane and Cole to sit down, the other ninja decided now would be a good time to pack their small amount of things 

"To summon your elemental dragons you must be one with your elemental power and be free of any fear and doubts" Wu told Zane and Cole 

"But Sensei, when I got my golden weapon I was already free of fear" Cole said to Sensei confused 

"You only confronted the fear you had about yourself, not the fear of your loved ones" Wu explained to Cole 

"I do not follow Sensei" Zane said confused

"You all fear for your loved ones, you fear for their safety and for their health" Wu explained to his students "You must only concentrate on yourself when you summon your elemental dragon"

Cole and Zane sat in silence with their eyes closed, concentrating on only themselves. They let their fears for others float away, their elemental powers surged inside of their bodies as two mighty roars could be heard. Cole and Zane both opened their eyes to see they were now riding their elemental dragons 

Cole's was a large black and brown dragon with medium sized wings, large legs made from pure rock and a large tail for smashing enemies. Orange highlights ran all throughout the dragon's body 

Zane's dragon was smaller than Cole's but was definitely better looking, it was a white dragon with beautiful elements of ice. Medium sized legs with a small tail and large wings, the dragon's eyes were an icy blue 

"W-W-Wow!" Jay said as he and the other ninja approached the two dragons 

"Looks like we won't need our mechs anymore" Lloyd said admiring the two dragons 

"Alright let's get off this island already!" Kai said impatiently 

"Me, Lloyd and Kai will fly with Cole. Jay and Nya will fly with Zane" Wu said climbing onto Cole's dragon along with Lloyd and Kai

Nya hopped onto Zane's dragon and helped Jay onto Zane's dragon, Jay held onto Nya's waist for safety making the water ninja blush slightly 

The two elemental dragons flapped their wings and soared into the sky, the ninja were back on their quest to find the Golden Weapons 

That's it for this chapter of Ninja Life! A bit short but the next chapter should hopefully be way longer, be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments and feel free to share this with other Ninjago fans. Make sure you also go ahead and follow me!

In Loving Memory of Kirby Morrow


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