(Skylor's POV)
"Alright class, now that we've finished the chapter all about the scary Stone Wars, it's time to turn your books to page 22 to begin our next chapter" The energetic voice of Mr. Saunders came from the front of the classroom, I have no idea how an old man like him can always sound and act so lively
Maybe he and Master Wu should get to know each other, they both have a similar enough beard after all
I turned to page 22 in the very large history book, which isn't even our only history book as we have two more, both equally as large. Why does Ninjago have to have so much history?! Surely some of it has to be made up!
"If you are really smarty smart, you will remember the group project you all had to do on the swashbuckling crew of the Destiny's Bounty!" Mr. Saunders reminded us of our last group project
Oh no, don't tell me he's going to assign us another one!
Multiple groans came from the class, all having the same thought as me "Now now class do not be so grouchy grouchy, you will all be glad to hear that I am not assigning another group project" The old man told us, receiving many relieved sighs in response, if there's one thing this class can agree on it's that group projects are the worst "Instead we will simply be learning about the many achievements of Captain Soto and his mighty mighty crew!"
Wasn't that group project enough? I think we've all learned enough about this Captain Soto and his crew for the rest of our lives, heck we used to own his ship!
"Now make sure you pay attention class, because there will be a little testy test about this subject tomorrow!" Mr. Saunders just had to tell us, everyone returning to groaning and grunting at the old man "Please begin reading the chapter in front of you, I expect all of the questions to be finished for homework yes?"
Ugh, of course he just has to give us homework, looking down at the book in front of me I counted up the total amount of questions and was grateful it wasn't really that many, they did seem pretty long though. Since we still had a good amount of time left in class before the end of the day, I just put my head down and got to work with these damn questions
It shouldn't take me too long to read this whole section about some old peg legged pirate captain and his crew, hopefully I can remember most of the information from the group projects, it'll make this whole thing a lot quicker. I already know that Kai is gonna take forever with this, just taking a quick glance at him I could tell he was more interested in making his hair look perfect as usual
He's an idiot, but he's my idiot and I wouldn't change that for the world
Just as I finished writing my answer for the fifth question, the sacred bell rang and released us all from our prison, with Mr. Saunders shouting after us to finish our homework and study for the pirate themed test
The others and I were able to quickly form into our group as we avoided being consumed by the large wave of students rushing for the open doors "Argh homework and a test?! Has that old man finally lost his mind!?" Harumi groaned as the nine of us walked down the messy hallway of the school
Seliel was quick to agree with Harumi "I don't think Mr. Saunders is a bad teacher, but sometimes he just gives us way too much stuff to do" She spoke to us, carefully walking around a puddle of chocolate milk on the floor which Jay almost walked right into, luckily being saved by Cole
"Well we can all agree that Mr. Saunders is a much better teacher than Mr. Wyatt" Kai brought up one of the most hated teachers in the school, everyone nodding in agreement "That guy just doesn't stop, it's always constant yapping and an avalanche of homework every single class"

Ninjago: Ninja Life
FanfictionJoin our six favourite Ninja as they go throughout their lives as Ninja and High School students, they must face down Lord Garmadon who is their green leaders father! What will happen to the Ninja? Many battles, friendship, love, awkward moments and...