Race to Ouroboros

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"How long until we reach Ouroboros?!" Pythor barged into the cockpit yelling at the pilot of the Rattlecopter he and Skales were using to reach the Serpentine City of Ouroboros

The pilot was startled by the sudden Fang Blade in his face but cleared his throat and answered the Serpentine's leader "If we keep up the ssssspeed we have now it'll be only be a few more minutessss until we land at Ouroborossss" 

"Excellent!" Pythor wickedly grinned, but his grin was soon replaced with a scowl followed by a groan once the Anacondrai remembered a certain person who was left behind at the City of Ouroboros "Ugh that four armed pest better not be lying around when we arrive! We're going to need every hand of his to help with keeping the Ninja away from the Fang Blades" 

"Ssssspeaking of the Ninja" Skales looked behind them to see the Destiny's Bounty flying towards their Rattlecopter at an extreme speed "If we don't do something about that ship we might not even reach Ouroborosssss" The Hypnobrai General informed his fellow Serpentine 

Pythor turned his long purple neck to see what Skales was talking about "Hm it would appear that you are correct Skales" He said to his second in command before directing his attention to the Rattlecopter's pilot "Call in for aerial support, we're going to need that flying ship shot down if we want to reach Ouroboros with the final Fang Blade" 

"Right away!" The Venomari pilot saluted the Anacondrai as one of their scaly hands pushed a few buttons and picked up a radio "On ordersssss directly from Pythor all Rattlecoptersssss must be flown out to thessssse coordinatessss" He spoke to all other Serpentine in the air, supplying them the coordinates for Skales and Pythor's location "The Ninja are in hot purssssuit ssso every Rattlecopter mussssst come fully equipped with all needed fire power" The green serpent finished his call for backup and hung the black radio back up beside the helicopter's controls 

"How long will it be until the ssssupport arrivessss?" Skales questioned the pilot with one of his grey scaly hands clutching his Hypnobrai staff tightly and the other holding onto the Rattlecopter 

A few more buttons were pressed before the Serpentine pilot answered the question "If the calculationsssss are correct air ssssupport should be at our location in about five minutessss"

"Then until they arrive let us take that ship down ourselves!" Pythor shouted "Start firing at those annoying brats!" He commanded the pilot who only stared back at him blankly "What is it? Why aren't you firing!?" 

The Serpentine pilot took a moment before responding "Uhhh thissss Rattlecopter doesss not have any misssssilesss insssstalled" 

"WHAT?!" Pythor shrieked loudly, almost making the pilot lose control of the unarmed Rattlecopter "WHY DOESN'T THIS COPTER HAVE ANY MISSILES!?" The purple Anacondrai asked in an explosive manner 

"B-B-Because thissss R-Rattlecopter wasss made jusssst for flying you and the other Generalssss around!" The scared pilot stuttered out 

"Then what are we sssssupposssssed to do about the Ninja chasssssing after ussss?" Skales asked in a more calm but still eager to get rid of the teenage heroes tone 

"The only thing we can do right now issss ssssstay out of the Ninja'ssss reach while waiting for the other Rattlecoptersssss to show up and blasssst them off our tailssss" The Venomari informed Skales before suddenly swerving the snake themed copter away from a large rock formation 

"Come on Zane go faster!" Kai impatiently told the Ice Ninja for the tenth time "They're going to get away with the last Fang Blade!" 

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