(Garmadon's POV)
I couldn't help but let a single lava tear roll down my cheek as I took in the most breathtakingly beautiful sight I had ever seen, destruction was everywhere as I looked out onto Ninjago City atop Ninjago City Tower, numerous civilians running for their lives as my unstoppable army took control of the once Ninja protected city. An extreme sense of pride ran through my body while I gazed at my victory over those pesky Ninja, my extremely handsome face plastered all across the once vibrant cityscape
"Oh it's glorious, after all those battles I've finally done it, I have conquered Ninjago City!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, releasing a victorious cackle that alongside my voice echoed over the whole city "Okay we get it you've won, you can stop gloating now" The defeated voice of my own son spoke from behind me, I turned around to face him and his little friends all captured in a perfectly made metal cage, completely Ninja proof
I felt a wide villainous grin spreading itself onto my face as I slowly walked over to the beaten Ninja, the eight of them stripped of their weapons and anything else that could help them escape their caged prison "Come on now Green Ninja, don't be such a sore loser, I beat you all fair and square!" I laughed in the face of my son and the other Ninja, enjoying the feeling of victory coursing through my evil veins "Fair and square huh? I didn't know you knew of such words" Lloyd spat back, attempting to free himself from his constraints inside the cage
"And I thought you Ninja never quit? Yet here we are, the eight of you tossed into a cage and doing nothing as I conquer the very city you all swore to protect" I growled back at Lloyd with my face pressed right up against the silver cage "It's a bit of a shame that you're in there with those other Ninja Luh-Loyd, it could have been both of us conquering Ninjago City as father and son, the ultimate ultimate evil duo!" I spoke while towering over my blonde son, feeling disappointed I couldn't share my victory with somebody else
"What makes you think that I would ever join your side?! No matter what you do I would never join you!" The Green Ninja shouted back at me "Just imagine it, you standing at my side decked out head to toe in black and purple armour, a helmet as cool as mine and awesome black fingerless gloves! If only I never let your mother take you away from me" I scowled, imagining a perfect world in my head "You wouldn't dare hurt her" Lloyd angrily said to me with clenched fists, they were useless but at least the kid was trying
I returned my sight to the now Garmadon ruled city as I wondered where my beloved Koko had gone "She may have escaped me for now, but with my totally awesome and unstoppable army tearing up the city down there it's only a matter of time before your mother and that stupid brother of mine are found, the two of them don't stand a chance" I continued to admire my greatest victory as I spoke, hoping to catch a glimpse of orange hair or my stupid brother's obnoxiously bright outfit
"If I join your side.......will you leave my mom alone?" I heard Lloyd's tired voice quietly say behind me, looks like I've already worn him down, perhaps that dream of ruling the city as father and son might actually come true "Well I suppose that I could offer a blind eye in exchange for a new second in command, as long as you agree to dye that pretty blonde hair of yours black" I gave my son an offer he simply couldn't refuse, I get a new second in command and his hair becomes much cooler, truly a win win for everyone involved!
Making my way over to the enclosure I could see those other Ninja trying to convince Lloyd not to go through with joining my side, slamming my metal club into the cage did a good job of shutting them all up. I looked down at my son with an evil grin, already planning our first father and son conquering, the rest of Ninjago won't know what hit em! I opened the cage door and stepped inside, maybe I should have picked a smaller cage, the Ninja have it way too cozy in here. Taking out a small key I bent down to unlock Lloyd's constraints, my metal club at the ready just in case the brave Green Ninja tried something

Ninjago: Ninja Life
FanfictionJoin our six favourite Ninja as they go throughout their lives as Ninja and High School students, they must face down Lord Garmadon who is their green leaders father! What will happen to the Ninja? Many battles, friendship, love, awkward moments and...