The Stone Army

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Loose rock fell from the ceiling as members of the Constrictai tribe drilled through the earth, destroying every piece of rock in their way with the use of their incredibly strong head spikes and thick skulls, finally showing they weren't just the halfwits of the Serpentine. The rest of the snake tribes followed the Constrictai's trail of destruction with their newly elected Serpentine King leading the charge, the crown wearing Hypnobrai constantly shielding his face from the debris ahead

"Argh! Thessssse Consssstrictai sure make a messssss of thingsssss" Skales grunted as he slithered behind Skalidor and the other Constrictai, getting sick of all the dust and rocks flying into his face, not exactly how the serpent saw himself being treated as the new Serpentine King

"What were you expecting down here SSSkalesss? It wassss your idea to come down here to tunnel beneath thesssse sssurface dwellerssss to drag them down into a tomb like ourssss" The left head of Fangtom reminded the Hypnobrai leading the numerous snakes through the caves beneath Ninjago City

Skales harshly hissed at his Fangpyre general for questioning his leadership "I wassssn't expecting thisss place to be sssso full of filth, essspecially that dreaded Devourer'sss venom" The Serpentine King spoke as he trudged his way through the green liquid that covered the ground, his crown almost being ruined by a stray drop of venom from the ceiling

As Skales complained the Constrictai continued to drill away at the rocks blocking the path of the Serpentine, hoping to make a good enough dent in the earth to cause Ninjago City to sink underground. The digging was going well until the Constrictai and their general suddenly stopped in place, causing the entire Serpentine army to stop in their tracks

"SSSkalidor what are you doing?! Keep digging! I want the sssurface dwellersss to sssuffer today!"" Skales impatiently protested, shoving the Constrictai general towards the wall standing in the Serpentine's way "We can't dig any further, the rock issss indessstructible" Skalidor explained to his king who was quickly becoming angered

"What do you mean you can't dig any further?! The Conssstrictai are sssupposed to be the toughessst and ssstrongesssst of the SSSerpentine!" Skales yelled at the general of the Constrictai "The ssstone isss too tough even for usss to break through" Skalidor told the frustrated Hypnobrai

Fangtom and Acidicus slithered closer to the stone wall to inspect what was able to stop the mighty Constrictai "Thisss looksss ancient, dare I sssay even older than the SSSerpentine" Acidicus pointed out as the Venomari general studied the indestructible stone, taking note of the markings present on the wall, one of the engravings looking extremely similar to a member of the Serpentine

Skales took in the full sight of the marked wall, his hypnotic eyes focusing on what looked to be a small green button at the bottom of the strange engravings, the leader of the Serpentine moved past his subordinates and with his scaly hand pushed the button

All of the Serpentine in the tunnel backed away from the stone wall as it slowly sunk into the ground, Skales watched with glee as the obstacle was finally out of the way, but his look of satisfaction didn't last and was soon replaced with a confused look as he took in what was being hidden by the wall

The army of snakes was greeted with a massive illuminated corridor that seemed to stretch on forever, with what looked to be hundreds of warrior statues armed with swords and shields made up of stone all lined up in a battle ready formation, covering almost every inch of the tomb like room

"Finally, sssomewhere that dissgussssting venom hasssn't reached" Skales admired the cleanliness of the chamber, unaware of the venom from outside the tomb that was now beginning to flood in. As the Serpentine examined the large army of statues, the Great Devourer's venom flowed through the entire chamber like a wave of water, making contact with each and every lifeless warrior

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