Bounty Upgrades

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(Nya's POV)

"Can you please hand me the hammer Jay?" I asked the messy auburn haired Ninja kneeling down beside me, working on the Destiny's Bounty alongside me 

"Y-Y-You ummm g-got it N-Nya!" He quickly replied to me as he turned to his left to fetch the silver hammer on the wooden deck, picking it up and handing to to me with a small smile on his cute freckled face 

"Thank you Jay" I thanked him with a smile of my own before turning my attention back to the Destiny's Bounty the two of us were currently working on

For awhile now Jay, Zane and I have been working on a couple of new ideas and improvements for our new Destiny's Bounty, since it isn't as large as the previous ships we thought it would be a good idea to add some new features to help it either be on par or even surpass the last Destiny's Bounty. The three of us really think that the modification we're currently working on will really help push this new ship past the previous one

"How's it looking in there Zane?" I shouted up to the control room of the ship where the white haired Nindroid was working 

Zane's bright blue eyes suddenly popped out of one of the control room windows and looked down at Jay and I "Everything is looking excellent in here Nya, all of the wiring is working just as planned" He smiled before retreating his head back into the control room to continue on with his work 

"A-Alright, I-I-I think that s-should be our j-job done" Jay stuttered, lifting his dark blue rag up to his face to wipe away some black oil that was on his left cheek 

For a moment I felt as if I was mesmerised by the sight before me, Jay wiping a splotch of oil off his cheek as he looked right at me, the warm breeze flowing through his messy hair. I've really got to make sure I thank Zane for volunteering to sort out the buttons and wiring for this new upgrade, I enjoyed spending some one on one time with Jay. Even if we mostly focused on the project and only really talked when one of us needed a tool or help with a particularly tricky gear

I'm sort of mentally kicking myself over not speaking with him much during our work session, this probably could have been a really good way to break Jay out of his shell, and possibly would have been a nice way for me and him to grow a little closer........

"Ummmm N-N-Nya? Are y-you okay?" The voice of the boy I was daydreaming about suddenly spoke to me, snapping me out of my short drooling session "D-Do I have s-s-something on my f-face?!?!" He questioned nervously as his black gloved hands frantically darted all over his soft face trying to make sure he didn't have a single spec of dirt on him

"No no Jay your face is perfectly clean!" I waved my hands in front of me in an attempt at stopping him from panicking about such a small thing "I was just......thinking about something!" My mind quickly made up an excuse as I grabbed my own grey rag to hide my slight blush 

Thankfully before the auburn haired teen could ask me a question about what I was thinking, my brother and Cole walked onto the docks outside of the Warehouse, with a small plastic bag in Kai's hand which caught Jay and I's attention 

"We're back!" Kai announced, lifting the plastic bag above his head and into the air for us all to see "And we have returned with my old gi safe and sound in one piece!" My brother proudly said as he and Cole stepped further onto the wooden planks of the docks 

"Uhhhh, b-b-but Sensei just g-gave you one of your s-spare suits to wear" Jay confusingly pointed out "W-Why did you go get the one y-y-you threw away?" 

"To get rid of the evidence of course!" Kai told the Blue Ninja "We can't have Gayle Gossip fishing that gi out of the trash and stirring up some drama about the Red Ninja retiring!" 

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