Ninja Day

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(Lloyd's POV)

After a not so very long wait, the day is here, Ninja Day. A day made to honour us Ninja and hopefully inspire more people to be like us, always standing for what is right and protecting those who can't protect themselves, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about it all, I'm probably gonna have to give a speech to the entirety of Ninjago City! If that happens I gotta make sure whatever I say is absolutely perfect, the last thing this city needs is an incompetent Green Ninja that can't even give a speech.....

Last night my mom and I stayed up a little late coming up with potential speeches, but none of the speeches we wrote really felt right to me, I don't want to ask the other Ninja for help as I certainly don't want them of all people to think I'm incompetent, I'm already the only Ninja on the team who hasn't unlocked their True Potential so I don't need another reason for the others to not take me seriously as their leader 

My feet graciously landed on the ground outside our massive warehouse secret base and I casually strolled inside, trying to forget all about my self doubting thoughts so that the other Ninja wouldn't think something was up. As I walked into the warehouse I saw that all the other Ninja were already here, all looking to be getting ready for our big Ninja Day show with Master Wu calmly enjoying a cup of tea 

"There you are bro!" Kai cheerfully greeted me with a massive grin on his face, giving me one hell of a high five before slinging an arm around my neck "You excited about our very own day? This is gonna be awesome!" The extremely spiky haired teen excitedly said, I really wish I was as carefree as Kai is right now 

"Getting the day off school and being celebrated by everyone in the city sure isn't a bad way to spend the day" Cole nonchalantly spoke from his seat on the couch, watching Gayle Gossip reporting from the park "They really put a lot into this Ninja Day celebration" Skylor commented as she looked at the TV, seeing everything that was set up for our big day "I saw so many banners for the event on my way here, that mayor sure does work fast" I said as Kai finally let me out of his grasp, the Red Ninja going to grab something from the fridge 

As I looked at everyone pumped for the day ahead, Zane's large smile somehow looking even larger than usual, I still couldn't help but feel anxious about what might happen, running numerous different possibilities through my head, most of them involving my speech going horribly wrong. At least it looked like I wasn't the only Ninja having a tough time preparing for Ninja Day, as taking a look at Jay I could see something was wrong, he was nervously playing with his scarf away from everyone else 

While the others were distracted by the TV, I made my way over to the unmasked Blue Ninja, giving him a small smile as he noticed me approaching "Oh umm h-hey Lloyd" He greeted me meekly with a small wave, immediately going back to playing with his scarf "Hey Jay, uh everything alright buddy?" I softly spoke to the auburn haired teen as I sat down beside him

"Ummm w-w-well uhh n-not exactly......" Jay quietly admitted to me, his right foot bouncing off the warehouse floor at the speed of lightning "It's j-just that umm I-I'm a little uhhhh n-n-nervous about the whole ummm N-Ninja Day thing" He began to explain, making very little eye contact with me "I-I'm not l-like you guys, I uhh g-get very anxious and nervous with p-p-people and there's gonna be s-s-so many people around us that I-I-I don't know if I can do this. W-What if people a-a-ask for photos? What do I d-d-do? W-What if I mess up o-on something or let down the p-p-people of the city?!" Jay seemed to ramble on forever, his voice and movements becoming quicker and more agitated as he went on 

I placed a comforting hand on Jay's right shoulder, finally stopping the ramblings of the Blue Ninja "Alright slow down there Jay, everything about today will go perfectly fine" I began reassuring my nervous friend who still looked a little worried "You're not the only one nervous about today, just this morning my mom had to give me a little Green Ninja pep talk to get me out of the apartment" I revealed to Jay who looked a little surprised 

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