The Nunchucks of Lightning

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(Jay's POV)

My arms clung to Nya's waist as we all flew across the great blue ocean on Zane and Cole's elemental dragons, I was so glad that we were finally off that awful island

"So where we flying to Sensei?" Cole asked Wu over the sound of his dragon's wings 

"That is up to Jay to decide" Sensei Wu said as he looked over to me 

"M-m-me?!" I said completely shocked as everyone else turned to look at me 

"Yes Jay, since we no longer have a map to the golden weapons, you must lead the way" Sensei explained to me 

"H-h-how am I supposed t-to do t-that?!" I said continuing to hold onto Nya's waist tightly 

"Remember when I first taught you how to tap into your elemental power? When that lightning bolt came down and shot off in the direction of the Nunchucks of Lightning?" Wu asked me as I recalled the events before Lord Garmadon attacked us 

"Y-yeah, and you uhhh s-s-said something about t-there being lightning inside o-of me" I said to Sensei 

"With that lightning you should be able to feel where the nunchucks are, you must close your eye and envision the location of the nunchucks" Sensei Wu explained to me making me nervous, what if I can't do it?! What if we can't stop Lord Garmadon?! 

"I-I-I-I guess I'll t-try to S-Sensei" I replied to Sensei who smiled at me in response 

I closed my eyes, took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, calming myself down. I forgot all about Lord Garmadon and failing, all that mattered were the Nunchucks of Lightning. It felt as if I was in an empty black void until I began seeing flashing images of the location of the nunchucks. It was a stormy place with floating rock and lightning shooting down from the sky, it looked extremely dangerous. The flashing images suddenly stopped as I was pulled away from the nunchucks and thrown back into the empty black void 

I opened my eyes and began gasping for air, I looked around me and saw I was still on Zane's elemental dragon still holding onto Nya. Everyone was staring at me with a confused look on their faces 

"I-I-I saw it Sensei! I saw the l-l-location of the Nunchucks of L-L-Lightning!" I shouted over to Sensei Wu 

"Point us in the direction Jay" Wu instructed me 

I did as Sensei Wu told me and pointed straight ahead to the location of the Nunchucks of Lightning

"Straight ahead!" Wu shouted out at Zane and Cole making their dragons fly faster towards the Nunchucks of Lightning 

"Jay? Jay?" I heard a voice call out to me waking me up, I opened my eyes up slowly and yawned. My head was resting on someone's shoulder, I lifted my head off their shoulder and looked at who's shoulder I had been sleeping on, a pair of aqua blue eyes met my blue eyes, it was Nya! I frantically sat up and began apologising as much as I could, Nya just giggled at my reaction 

"It's fine Jay really, you're going to need the extra sleep to get those Nunchucks of Lightning" Nya told me as she smiled at me, making my heart skip several beats 

"Woah look!" Kai shouted out pointing ahead of us, we all looked at where he was pointing and we all gasped 

What Kai was pointing at was a series of floating ruins, with clouds above it all shooting lightning down with heavy rain accompanying it. I gulped, knowing that I would have to climb up all those floating ruins to obtain the Nunchucks of Lightning, all without getting struck by lightning. Cole and Zane landed their dragons on the bottom of the floating ruins, we all climbed off the dragons and looked around at our environment. It was a very spiky environment, one wrong step and I'll be done for! 

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