Extinguished Fire

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(Nobody's POV)

"You are no longer part of the Secret Ninja Force"

Silence filled the air, not a single Ninja dared to make the smallest of noise. The only sound that could hardly be heard was the waves crashing against the Destiny's Bounty and what remained of the Volcano they barely escaped 

"W-What was that Sensei?" Kai stammered, hoping he had heard his mentor figure wrong 

"You are...." Sensei Wu hesitated to finish his sentence, wishing he didn't have to say what he had to " You are no longer.......part of the Secret Ninja Force" Wu finished with a sombre look on his shadowed face 

Silence once again filled the air. The Ninja all stood perfectly still, trying their hardest not to turn their gaze towards the Fire Ninja. Who was currently looking down at the red volcanic rock beneath them, not wanting to believe what his Sensei had just told him, fighting back the tears that were starting to appear 

"Why....." Kai quietly started to say, both of his fists clenched by his side "Why am I getting kicked from the team?" 

"You almost got us all killed Kai" Sensei Wu replied to the teen with his voice becoming louder and more stern "I am afraid I have no choice"

"That's so unfair!" Kai suddenly yelled at the old man, who didn't even move a muscle over the sudden yell 

"Kai..." Nya spoke calmly to her brother, she tried to calm him down by placing her hands on his shoulders but the Red Ninja shrugged her off and everyone could see his face become enraged by their Sensei's decision 

"You can't do this!" The brown spiky haired teen pointed at the unmoved Sensei "This isn't fair!" Kai shouted with tears starting to fall down his cheeks 

"I am fully capable of doing this Kai" Sensei looked the Red Ninja dead in the eye with a stern look on his old face, not flinching at any of the Ninja's outbursts "You have left me with no other choice"

"Then give me another chance! Everyone deserves a second chance!" Kai tried to reason with his Sensei who merely shook his head, denying the Ninja a second chance 

"I am afraid I am unable to give you a second chance Kai" Wu began to tell his former pupil who continued to look at the old man with an angry expression "With the Serpentine only needing one more Fang Blade to resurrect the Great Devourer, we can not afford to have any more mistakes"

"If you give me another chance I promise I won't make any more mistakes!" Kai almost started to beg the wise Sensei "I'll never stray away from the plan I swear!"

"I am sorry Kai" Sensei replied, turning his back to the angrily crying Ninja "But the damage has been done. Once we return to the Warehouse I wish for you to hand in your Golden Weapon along with your gi and never show your face there again"

Kai and the other Ninja couldn't believe what they were hearing, none of them had ever heard their kind and wise Sensei speak like this, and especially never to them. Kai stood there in shock and disbelief, did Wu really think he would just hand over his Ninja gear and let himself be replaced?! 

"Hand in my gi? So you can just replace me?!" Kai shouted at his old mentor, filled with rage over what the old man had told him to do 

Without another word the Red Ninja turned away from his former mentor and friends, jumping off the rock foundation they were all standing on with the other Ninja trying to reach out and grab him before he landed in the hot waters below. A red light flashed brightly and Kai flew up above them all on his fiery hot Elemental Dragon, he shot his old mentor one last angry look before commanding his Elemental Dragon to fly off. Leaving behind the now seven Ninja and their Sensei, watching as the blazing hot Elemental Dragon slowly faded from view 

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