(Nya's POV)
I enjoyed feeling the wind go through my hair as I rode on Jay's dragon, holding onto Jay's waist as tight as I could. I like feeling this close to Jay, it makes me feel safe and warm, hopefully these feelings develop into something more, perhaps even a relationship? But that's not important right now, what's important is finding the last 2 Golden Weapons
"Do either of you feel anything?" Sensei Wu asked me and Kai
"Not right now Sensei" I responded to Sensei
"Yeah I don't feel anything either" Kai said to Sensei
"You both need to relax, close your eyes and concentrate on tapping into your elemental power, only then will your Golden Weapons reach out to you" Sensei Wu explained to us
Taking Sensei's words of wisdom me and Kai both closed our eyes, I began to relax myself and forget all about the worries I may have had. All I could see was black until suddenly visions started flashing before my eyes, I could see what looked to be an underwater temple, presumably where my Golden Weapon was being kept
I gasped as I opened my eyes, pulling myself away from the visions as did Kai, we both caught our breath
"So where are your Golden Weapons?" Sensei Wu asked us both
"I can feel the fire burning, it's quite far away from here" Kai told Sensei
"I'm pretty sure mine is just a little bit away from here, it's underwater so it was a little hard to tell" I said to Sensei who nodded
"Then we'll search for your's first Nya, just point us in the direction and stop us when you feel the weapon reach out to you" Lloyd told me, I nodded and pointed east, then we were back to flying above the Ninjago ocean on elemental dragons
"Stop! I feel something" I shouted out at the others, Jay, Cole and Zane immediately told their dragons to stop
"D-d-do you feel your G-Golden Weapon N-N-Nya?" Jay asked me looking over his shoulder
"Yes I do, it's right under us!" I told Jay and the others
"How are you gonna get it Nya? It's underwater!" Kai asked me with worry and concern in his voice
"Y-y-yeah, unless you're w-wearing scuba g-gear under your uh um n-n-ninja suit, it's gonna be impossible to g-g-get it!" Jay said to me
"Nya will not be needing scuba wear Jay, for her elemental power will help her" Wu said to us all
"And how will that work Sensei?" Cole asked Wu
"Nya's elemental power is water, making it easier for her to swim underwater, and even be able to hold her breath for longer" Sensei explained to us
"So that's how you won all those swimming contests when you were younger!" Kai said making me a little embarrassed, I forgot all about those contests I would do. I would really only do the contest if I knew I would win, I was never good at losing
"Good luck with obtaining your Golden Weapon Nya" Zane said wishing me luck
"Thanks Zane, oh Jay can you do me a favour please?" I asked Jay who suddenly became a lot more nervous
"Oh uhhh m-me? O-okay" Jay stuttered out, I went ahead and untied my ponytail and handed Jay my hair band once again, he instantly blushed when he saw my hair down

Ninjago: Ninja Life
FanfictionJoin our six favourite Ninja as they go throughout their lives as Ninja and High School students, they must face down Lord Garmadon who is their green leaders father! What will happen to the Ninja? Many battles, friendship, love, awkward moments and...