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(Lloyd's POV)

Today is actually a good day, I was actually able to sit down in the Cafeteria for once! The guys decided to give me a chance to prove I'm actually good and I couldn't be happier! Now is finally my chance to prove to Ninjago that I'm actually a good guy! While we were eating our lunch Kai called Jay over and he then sat with us, it looks like we're actually Jay's first couple of friends, it's pretty sad but also pretty relatable for me. The other ninja are the only friends I've ever had, everyone else just thinks I'm pure evil, but soon all of that will change. Unfortunately lunch didn't last forever and we soon went our separate ways for our final classes of the school day, I was excited for our next warehouse meeting after school today

The school day has finally ended and I'm leaving the school building now, I look around and of course see many kids trying to avoid me but I just ignore it like usual, I look around some more and see the other ninja waving at me. I walk over to them and we begin chatting

"Hey guys" I say greeting my fellow ninja teens

"Greetings Lloyd, care to join us in walking home?" Zane asked politely, I simply nodded my head and we all then began walking home

"You guys excited about our meeting at the warehouse today?" Kai asked us

"Yep!" I said enthusiastically

"I w-wonder what t-t-this meeting is gonna b-be about" Jay said from behind us

"Maybe Wu will find way to fix your stutter!" Cole said shoving Jay a bit forward

"Knock it off Cole, remember what Wu said" I said slapping Cole in the back of the head like Nya does

"Why should I listen to you greenie? You're the son of our enemy!" Cole said with his fist raised

"Hey knock it off you two!" Nya said separating us

"Wu said we should give him a chance, and we are" Nya said glaring at Cole getting him to back off

"Ugh whatever, my house is just up here so I'm gonna go, I'll see you all at the warehouse" Cole said as he walked across the road and entered his house

"Ugh why does Cole have to be such a douchebag!" Kai said flailing his arms around

"It may have something to do with his father being a Royal Blacksmith, his father may not give him much attention" Zane said to us

"Y-you could b-b-be right Z-Zane" Jay said clutching onto his arm shyly

"Oh here is my home, it was lovely walking with you all" Zane said bowing and entering his modern looking home, sure it stuck out from the other houses around but hey, Zane just sticks out in general, soon everyone made their way home and I was by myself finishing my walk home. I made my way into me and my mom's apartment and set my stuff down at the door and my mom greeted me

"How was school today sweetie" Koko said as she was cooking dinner

"It was actually pretty good" I said getting a drink from the fridge

"Oh yeah, what made today so good?" My mom asked me

"Well I actually have friends now" I said making my mom hug me tightly

"Really?! Who are they?" My mom said releasing me so I could catch my breath

"Well their names are Kai, Cole, Zane, Jay and Nya" I said while catching my breath

"Well they sound lovely, now wash your hands dinner is ready" My mom said placing dinner on the table

I have just finished my dinner and was now putting on my ninja suit to go to the warehouse, I put on my ninja mask and quietly left through my bedroom window

I walked into the warehouse to see all of my teammates already there

"Hey guys" I said greeting my friends who all waved to me, soon my uncle came into the warehouse with a duffle bag

"Hey Sensei, what's up with the duffle bag?" Nya asked stepping forward

"Well Nya, this duffle bag contains weapons specifically for each of you" Wu said placing the duffle bag down in the centre and opening it up

"W-weapons? F-for us" Jay said stepping forward also

"Yes Jay, now Kai please come here" Wu said, Kai walked over to Wu and Wu gave him two sharp silver katanas

"These will be your weapons Kai, two sharp silver katanas. Treat them with respect and take care of them" Wu said to Kai as he admired his weapons

Wu handed everyone their weapons, Zane got a bow with a quiver and multiple arrows, Cole got a hammer while Jay got a flail and Nya got a spear. It was now my turn to get my weapon, I stepped up to my uncle and he pulled out a silver sword with a gold tassel on the end of it. I thanked my Uncle for the weapon and he then pressed a button on a remote and WOW! Suddenly a bunch of training equipment popped out of the floor, we all gazed at the equipment

"Now it is time for you to train with your weapons" Wu said as he walked over to a dummy and instructed Kai to strike it, Kai swung his sword and hit the dummy down onto the floor

"Very nice work Kai, I want you all to practice using the equipment" Wu said pouring himself a cup of tea and sitting down to watch us train. Kai continued to train with the dummy as Cole trained with a machine similar to those whack a mole games, Zane was training with some targets and was actually very good at it. Nya was furiously jabbing at a punching bag with the tip of her spear whilst Jay was practicing attacking a wooden dummy with his flail. I was training with another punching bag just slicing away at it instead of punching it, it's surprisingly very durable, Wu must've made them specifically for our weapons. We all continue this for awhile until Wu finishes his tea and knocks his staff against the ground to catch our attention

"Excellent work today students, now please leave your weapons here, I will take good care of them. Once you have reached true ninja status you may keep them" Wu said as he put our weapons back into the duffle bag

"Tomorrow you will all meet here once more, but there shall be a bit of a surprise in store" Wu said as he winked to us

"See you all tomorrow" He said as he walked off

"Where does he go all the time?" I said

We then say goodbye to each other and make our way to our homes to get ready for tomorrow

That's the end of this chapter! Make sure you guys let me know your thoughts in the comments and also feel free to share this with other Ninjago fans. Make sure you also drop me a follow!

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