The Shurikens of Ice

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(Zane's POV)


My glowing blue eyes boot up as I reach 100% battery, I look around the bedroom and see my friends are still asleep, I unplug myself from the wall and quietly leave the room. I make my way to the deck of the Destiny's Bounty and admire the early morning sunrise, I continue to admire the sunrise as the Bounty stays still in the water. After admiring the beauty of the sky for a little bit longer I make my way to the kitchen of the ship to prepare breakfast for everyone

I do not know why but I am very fond of cooking, I am also very good at it. I sense it has something to do with my past, which I am unaware of, all I remember is pretending to be a normal human in the hopes of being adopted, unfortunately that never happened, but my Nindroid status was welcomed by a Mr Borg of Borg Industries. He provided me a home as long as I let him figure out what made me tick, once he figured it out I felt as if my purpose there was complete. I left Mr Borg in hopes of having a regular life, I enrolled myself into Ninjago High and tried to fit in as a human, my high school life eventually led me to my friends, or as I see them, my family

I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen and turned around to greet whoever it was

"Good morning Sensei" I said as I bowed to him

"Good morning Zane, I see you have made breakfast" Sensei Wu said as he stroked his beard

"You are correct Sensei, I do hope that you and the others will enjoy it" I told Sensei as he took a seat at the dining table and began to enjoy the breakfast I made

One by one the other ninja joined me and Sensei in the kitchen, I watched as my family enjoyed their meal, they all thanked me for the breakfast and complimented my cooking, I took all the empty plates and began to wash them all in the sink. Once I was finished I threw on my ninja gi and joined the others on the deck of the ship, the anchor of the ship was raised and Sensei began to steer the ship in the way of the golden weapons

As we sailed across the water my system detected a sudden temperature drop, the other ninja must've detected it too because they all began to shiver

"Boy it s-s-sure is getting c-c-cold!" Cole shivered as he rubbed his hands together for warmth

"Maybe if you w-w-wore some sleeves y-you wouldn't be s-so cold" Lloyd said to Cole

"Hey I can't h-help it, I've g-g-gotta show the world m-my fantastic m-muscles" Cole stuttered

"Hehe, good thing I b-b-b-brought my s-scarf" Jay stuttered as he wore his bright orange scarf

"Ugh if only I h-h-had my elemental power u-unlocked, I could keep us a-a-all warm" Kai said as he too tried to warm himself up

"Do not worry for much longer Ninja, we have arrived at our destination! The ice spikes of the Shurikens of Ice!" Sensei told us as he put the anchor down docking the ship at an icy path

"Do you t-t-think this path leads to t-the Shurikens of I-Ice Sensei?" Nya asked Sensei as he joined us on the deck

"I am certain Nya, we must follow the path if we wish to retrieve the Shurikens of Ice" Wu told us as he walked off the ship and onto the frozen land, we all did the same and joined Sensei in following the path

The path lead us through mountains made entirely of ice and several ice spikes, as we walked further and further it seemed to be getting colder and colder, which wouldn't matter for me but would very much matter for the others. They continued to shiver more and more as they still tried to warm themselves up, even the extra clothes they brought along didn't seem to help, at least Cole actually wore something with sleeves for once. I admired the beauty of this land made entirely out of ice as we ventured further and further into the unexplored territory, as it grew colder and colder I saw Jay and Nya begin to hold each other tightly for warmth, my scanners detected a blush coming from Jay, along with an accelerated heartbeat, it seems as if Jay has fallen for Nya. I sometimes wonder what it would feel like to love another entity, but I am afraid I have no interest in such thing, I just do not feel love, at least I do not think so. It would be silly for a Nindroid to love, for I am only a machine, my "feelings" are only a well constructed algorithm made up of a bunch of 1's and 0's, yet I feel as if I love my friends, I do think as them as family after all. I stopped thinking about the concept of love after we all stopped and gazed in front of us, we had followed the path and in front of us were two giant doors in a large ice spike all made out of ice

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