Father vs Son

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(Koko's POV)

"Now have those reports on my desk by tomorrow or you're fired!" My angry boss yelled at me as I left his office, ugh that guy is always angry 

Making my way through the boring office I got to my desk and started on the reports, I hate this job but at least it pays the bills. It's the only job that would even consider hiring me, being the ex wife of Lord Garmadon isn't the easiest thing in the world, and I know it isn't easy for Lloyd either. But we've been able to get by so far

Working at the office isn't the best, I'm shoved right in the corner with the printer and it's very old so the noise keeps me from doing my work. Making me only 1 sick day away from losing my job

The work day finally ended just as I finished those reports, letting out a sigh of relief I grabbed my bag and left the office as quick as I could, needing to get home and cook dinner for Lloyd. Lloyd has been sort of distant lately, always sneaking out at night and spending a lot of time with his friends. Don't get me wrong it's great he has friends now, it just feels like he's hiding something from me. But what could he be hiding? Has he suddenly joined his father?! No that doesn't sound like my Lloyd, he hates his father!

Walking down the streets of the vibrant city I felt uneasy, as if I was being watched. Sure a lot of people look at me because I'm the ex wife of the person who destroys their city every day, but this time it felt different. Every time I walked past an alleyway or dark area I could feel a pair of eyes on me, looking at where I could feel the eyes I couldn't see anything. All this worrying about Lloyd might be making me a little crazy, but can you blame me? Sometimes he comes back with bruises all over him!

Deciding to just ignore my feeling of being watched I continued my way home, back to mine and Lloyd's apartment. It's a small place but it works for us, the city is pretty crowded so we're lucky to even have a place to call home

Stepping into the apartment I hung up my bag and let out a tired sigh, looking around the small apartment I couldn't find Lloyd. He must be out with his friends again, guess he'll pick up dinner on his way back. Throwing myself onto the couch I began to relax, switching on the TV I felt my eyes begin to close, might as well take a little nap. What's the worst that could happen?

(Nobody's POV)

A Constrictai rushed through the Volcano Lair, as fast as his short stubby legs could carry him. Other Serpentine turned their heads as they sped past them, who knew a short little Constrictai could be that fast? Eventually the little Constrictai found where it was looking for, he turned around quickly and dashed into the room 

"LORD GARMADON! LORD GARMADON!" I FOUND HER!" Chokun, the small Constrictai panted 

"Ah well done Chokun!" Lord Garmadon congratulated Chokun "Where is she?"

"She's living in a small apartment in the City" Chokun continued to pant 

"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?!" Lord Garmadon shouted at the frightened Chokun "I need the exact location!"

"IT WAS STREET 70751 AND APARTMENT 71019!" Chokun yelled back at Lord Garmadon who smiled wickedly 

"SET COURSE FOR NINJAGO CITY!" Lord Garmadon yelled out at his Serpentine IT group who began setting up his giant shark mech, you would think he would change to Serpentine themed vehicles but I guess it's too expensive to make stuff Serpentine themed 

"But uhhh before we go, can I please have a giant ham sandwich?" Chokun nervously asked Lord Garmadon who just glared at him. Chokun gulped and decided it was best for him if he just left Lord Garmadon alone 

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