Museum Break-In

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(Zane's POV)


My bright blue eyes shot open as my systems suddenly went online, being switched on by the sudden alert message ringing through my head


The alert message read, originating from my Falcon, quickly changing over to my Falcon vision I could see what my metal friend was seeing. Swooping down from above the city in the night sky, the Falcon spotted a suspicious trail leading up to the Ninjago Museum of History, zooming in I could see a hole in one of the yellow brick walls

After obtaining this knowledge I immediately sent a distress message to our Secret Ninja Force group chat detailing the situation, as every cool teenage hero team needs a group chat so that they may send awesome text messages and send hilarious memes that make you LOL

"Thank you my friend, now please return to the warehouse to recharge" I thanked the Falcon for alerting me of the break in at the museum, switching off my Falcon vision before I removed myself from my charging station and began heading towards the museum, continuously checking the Secret Ninja Force group chat to see who will be able to join me in stopping the dastardly fiends attempting to ruin one of the highest rated tourist locations in the city

My Nindroid body was like a well oiled machine as I manoeuvred my way across the city and towards the museum, probably because my body is a well oiled machine. I must say that I do greatly enjoy traversing the city, especially in the darkness of the night, all of the neon lights of the city create a very pleasing atmosphere, further enhancing the feeling of freedom that free running through the crowded city gives me. The other Ninja like to call this parkour, a viral trend among us teenagers

As my cogs thought about the other Ninja, I wondered who might join me on my mission to investigate the museum. Since it is quite late at night, I do not believe it is probable to expect everyone to help. I do hope that they are all not currently asleep and have not even seen my distress message, that would be quite unfortunate

The little doubt I had of the other Ninja not appearing was soon eliminated from my thoughts, as I spotted the familiar red and silver colours of the sibling Ninja duo swinging down from a set of lanterns

"Salutations Kai and Nya" I greeted the two Ninja who both seemed to have been startled from my appearance "Oh, hey there Zane" Kai replied to me in a very tired sounding voice, with Nya merely yawning as she narrowly avoided running into a neon sign "Sorry, Nya and I are just feeling a little sleepy from being woken up by your text, and all these bright lights are kind of hurting our eyes a little"

"My apologies for waking you two" I apologised to the two Ninja, feeling bad about not letting them recharge, I know that if I did not receive a full battery charge I would be quite tired and grumpy "Don't sweat it Zane, it's all part of the job" Nya told me with a thumbs up followed by another yawn

The three of us continued on our journey towards the museum, sharing little conversation as the two siblings were still quite tired, with myself occasionally needing to stop the two of them from making any fatal mistakes atop the city rooftops. As the three of us neared our destination, my scanners detected another life form nearby, curious, who else would be up at such a late hour and be traversing the neon lit rooftops of the city?

"Hey guys, room for one more?" The new life form asked as they suddenly jumped up from a fire escape, revealing our leader, Lloyd "Of course, it is good to see you Lloyd, I apologise if my distress call woke you" I spoke to the Green Ninja

"Nothing to worry about Zane, for once I decided to do some late night studying" Lloyd told us all, performing a perfectly done vault over a ledge "But I think I may have woken my mom up while hurrying out of the apartment, I'm really not looking forward to that when I get back" The green eyed Ninja rubbed the back of his neck in a sheepish manner

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