Rockin and Rollin

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(Seliel's POV)

I looked at myself from head to toe in my bedroom mirror, since Cole invited me to a rock concert it was only right to dress the part. I decided to go with an outfit consisting of white boots that left me almost the same height as my boyfriend, black ripped jeans similar to Nya's but with some added chains, a red sleeveless shirt with a skull design along with the word metal written above it in Ninjargon, and I finished my outfit off with a few black wristbands on my arms 

After running a brush through my purple and blue hair, I quickly made sure I had everything for the date, slipping my phone into my pocket followed by a little bit of cash before I stepped out of my room and closed the dark wood door behind me

Hopefully I can rush out of the house before my father sees me, he totally wouldn't approve of my outfit, he always says that the daughter of a mayor should look presentable, and I don't think he means presentable for a rock concert. My feet raced down the wooden stairs with loud stomping noises until I reached the front door, reaching a hand out to twist the doorknob, only to be stopped by the very voice I wanted to avoid 

"Seliel? What's the meaning of all that ruckus? Come in here please" The voice of my father came from his office

With a defeated sigh I walked away from the door and slowly headed into my father's round office, standing in front of his clean wooden desk "Please refrain from roughly running down the stairs like that Seliel, Greg just got done cleaning them" He made sure to scold me before looking up from whatever document he was signing, an immediate look of disapproval appearing on his moustached face as he looked at what I was wearing 

"What in the name of the First Spinjitzu Master are you wearing?" My father questioned in a harsh tone, placing his reading glasses onto the wooden desk "Ugh I already told you, I have a date with my boyfriend today" I crossed my arms with a groan 

"Dressed like that? I don't think so" My brown haired father shook his head "The daughter of a mayor should look presentable" Ugh, there he goes saying that again "And you missy do not look very presentable in that wannabe rockstar outfit, I advise that you go and change" He finished berating me, returning to the papers on his desk 

Argh why is he always like this?! "Oh come on dad! It's not like I'm going to an opening ceremony for the town!" I complained "All I'm doing is going to a rock concert with my boyfriend, I'm meant to dress like this!" I tried to reason with my strict father  

My father sat still at his desk, stroking his brown moustache as he thought of a response "Hmm, I suppose I should let you be a rebellious teenager once in awhile" He told me with a small smile "Go on and have fun with that boyfriend of yours, please make sure you stay safe" My father finished speaking to me, burying his head back into his paperwork like usual 

"I will! Promise! Thank you!" I happily said to my dad before hurrying out of the door and leaving our moderately sized home in the middle of the town, beginning to make my way to the bus stop at the front of the small town, hopefully the bus to the city isn't running late

As I walked down the pebble path I admired all the hard work my father had put into making the town better, ever since my mother......passed away, he has buried himself in his work to make the town the best it can be, sort of a tribute to my mom. The two of them grew up in Nom and eventually fell in love with each other, so he really wants to make the town perfect 

Upon reaching the small bus stop outside of my hometown, I was met with the surprise appearance of my boyfriend himself waiting for me on the stop's wooden bench "Cole? What are you doing here?" I asked the black haired teen surprised, but also with a huge smile on my face 

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