Ultra Sonic Raider

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(Cole's POV)

Alright this looks like the place Zane told me to pick up Lloyd and his mom.........and Garmadon, I'm really not looking forward to driving him back to the others, if he even just looks at me weirdly I am throwing him out of this vehicle and leaving him behind for the Devourer to have. I'm pretty sure we can defeat a giant snake without that guys extra arms, if anything those extra arms will just get in the way 

Where are those three anyway? I thought by the time I arrived they would be waiting right here for me, maybe I could use this extra bit of time to check up on Seliel. As far as we know the public don't know anything about the Serpentine releasing the Devourer but it's only a matter of time until they find out

I could maybe send her a text warning her about the Devourer? But that could possibly give away the whole me being the Earth Ninja thing, Lloyd and Kai have it so easy with Skylor and Harumi both being apart of the team. They never have to lie to them about going off to save the day as one of the Secret Ninja Force members, but what if I don't have to lie to Seliel anymore? Skylor and Harumi managed to train themselves good enough to join us so imagine how good Seliel could be if we all trained her? 

Argh! Forget it! That's a stupid idea! I love Seliel and I don't want to be putting her into any danger, that's one of the main reasons why I haven't told her about this whole Ninja thing in the first place, and besides she seems to be somewhat against the Ninja right now so if I go reveal myself to her and ask her to join us I don't think she'll want to be with me anymore. That is if she's even with me at the moment, it feels like forever ago we last just hung out by ourselves or even talked. Guess her turning against the Ninja has kind of drifted us apart a little, as soon as this Serpentine problem is taken care of I have to sort this all out. Maybe I could take her out on a nice date in the city, or a picnic on a nice hill with just the two of us? What about a rock concert? Even just being in the same classroom will be good enough! 

You know what, yeah! Let's do it! I'm gonna go ahead and text her right now! But which one to go with it? Hmmmmm, ah I'm sure it won't matter! As long as it's just the two of us getting to reconnect after what feels like ages it'll be fine! Now to just grab my phone and actually write the text....

Okay maybe it could start off like this? Ah no that's too forward, I'll change it to this. But that's also a little too forward, ugh I thought I was supposed to be the cool one of the group and here I am struggling to ask my own girlfriend out on a date!? At this rate Jay would have finally gathered the courage to at least ask Nya if she wanted to do homework together........wait, that's it! Start it off with us doing homework and then change it us going on our date! Haha Cole you are a genius! Now to type this all out and send it to h-

"Hey Cole!" A muffled voice outside my vehicle caught me off guard and almost made me bang my head into the Tread Assault's windshield, I looked over at the voice to see Lloyd and his mom along with Lord Garmadon waiting outside of my black and gold dune buggy "Open up! Someone might see us!" Lloyd said as he looked around to make sure nobody was close by, guess I'll have to text Seliel later 

Doing as the Green Ninja asked I opened the Tread Assault's cockpit to allow for Lloyd and his mom to just barely fit inside behind me, but once Lord Garmadon tried to get in I pressed down on the same button I used to open the vehicle and locked the four armed menace out "Sorry Garmy! But it looks like we're all out of room, you'll just have to ride on top of this thing instead!" I told him, trying not to grin as he scoffed and climbed onto the back of the large vehicle, putting those extra arms to use as I blasted out of the alleyway at full speed, hoping to just maybe have Garmadon fly off mid way through the journey back to the junkyard 

Unfortunately Garmadon did not end up flying off mid way through the journey back to the junkyard, at least when we came to a sudden stop he let go and crashed face first into the desert sand "A heads up would have been nice...." Garmadon groaned as he spat out a little bit of sand with two of his arms brushing the sand off his purple robes

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