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(Nya's POV)

Yesterday was quite the exciting day, Garmadon attacked the city and we of course won, but what is more interesting is that Jay and Cole are actually getting along now. I have a feeling the whole saving his life wasn't the only reason why Cole is now friends with Jay, I think it's so I don't have to slap him on the back of the head anymore

Me and Kai entered the school building and immediately went to go look for our friends who we soon found talking in the hallway. We walked up to them and said our hellos

"Hey guys" I said to our friends

"H-Hi Nya" Jay said

"Hi Jay" I said to the cute boy making him hide his face with his scarf

"You think your dad is gonna attack today?" Kai asked Lloyd

"Nah, I'd say he's still repairing his shark mech" Lloyd said as he leaned against the wall

The bell then rang and we made our way to our first class of the day, English

I took my seat beside Kai in the class and waited for the class to start, our teacher Mr Hutchins walked in and began to speak to the class

"Okay students settle down" Mr Hutchins said trying to get everyone to shut up and sit down

"Today we have a new student, her name is Harumi, please come in Harumi" Mr Hutchins said, a girl wearing green pants and a green jacket came walking in, she had white hair and purple eyes

"Class this is Harumi Jade, she is a new student here and I want you all to treat her with respect, to sit beside Nya Smith over there Harumi" Mr Hutchins said as he pointed at the empty seat to my right which Harumi soon sat in

"Hi I'm Nya Smith" I said as I shook hands with Harumi

"Hi I'm Harumi Jade, nice to meet you" Harumi said with a bright smile

"And this is my brother Kai" I said while pointing to my sleeping brother

The class went on like usual with us doing some boring English work, when the class ended I said goodbye to Harumi and went off to my next class

Lunch time has finally rolled around and I'm currently looking around for my friends. As I walked around the cafeteria I found Harumi

"Hey Harumi! Want to join me and my friends for lunch?" I asked the girl

"Sure!" Harumi said as she followed me over to a table where my friends were sitting

"Hey guys, this is Harumi Jade, mind if she sits with us?" I said to my friends

"Sure" Kai said as I took a seat beside him and Harumi sat beside me

"So Harumi what brings you to Ninjago High" Cole said as he began to eat his noodles

"Well my father got a new job here in Ninjago and we had to move here" Harumi replied

"So uh Harumi where um where you uh l-living before?" Lloyd asked, usually Jay is the one who is a nervous wreck but for some reason Lloyd has become one, is it because of Harumi?

"I used to live outside of the city, but where are my manners, I haven't even gotten everyone's name" Harumi said

"I am Zane" Zane said to Harumi

"I'm Cole" Cole said to Harumi

"I'm J-Jay" Jay said to Harumi shyly as always

"And uh I'm L-Lloyd" Lloyd said to Harumi

"Well it's great to meet you all" Harumi said, just then we all heard Harumi's phone go off. Harumi pulled out her phone and looked at a message

"Sorry to leave you all so soon but I have to go somewhere else now, cya later!" Harumi said as she got up from the table and exited the cafeteria, we all instantly looked at the blushing Lloyd and shot him a look

"What?!" Lloyd said with a raised eyebrow

"You're t-totally in l-love with H-Harumi!" Jay said to Lloyd making him blush

"Am not!" Lloyd pouted

"You totally are! You just became Jay for a minute!" Kai laughed

"Geez t-thanks Kai" Jay said sarcastically

"So you gonna ask her out greenie?" Cole said nudging Lloyd in the arm

"I don't know, I think I'd be too busy with me being the green ninja" Lloyd said

"Oh come on Lloyd, it's obvious you like her! Just ask her out! Nothing bad could happen!" I said to Lloyd making him sigh

"I'll do it the next time I see her, but it's just so you guys will shut up about it!" Lloyd said

The bell then rang signalling us all to go to our last classes of the day

That's it for this chapter! Make sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments and feel free to share this with other Ninjago fans! Make sure you go ahead and follow me!

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