Museum Field Trip

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"I don't remember this place being so hot, that damn flying ship really had us spoilt" Lord Garmadon muttered as he took a sip from his glass, trying to cool himself down with a nice mini umbrella decorated drink as he relaxed in his volcano lair. After the Ninja reclaimed their ship from Garmadon the four armed warlord and his Serpentine minions were forced to return to Garmadon's volcanic lair, their only other choice being a ruined City of Ouroboros with a giant Great Devourer sized hole in the middle 

"Fan me faster snake!" The sweating warlord commanded the poor Venomari that was tasked with cooling the four armed maniac down, the green serpent being extremely jealous of Garmadon's drink he was enjoying. The four Serpentine generals looked at Garmadon with disdain, despising the way he was treating their kind, turning them into nothing but servants for his own desires

Out of the four generals Skales was the one who hated Garmadon the most, after Pythor was eaten by the Devourer he believed he was the next one fit to command all tribes of the Serpentine, and then came Garmadon who took that power away from him, only to end up mistreating the Serpentine. Skales angrily hissed as he continued to watch the four armed warlord enjoy his drink as a Constrictai was forced to feed him grapes "Look at him, ussssing our kind for sssssuch idiotic reassssonssss, we are meant to be warriorssssss not ssservantssss!" The Hypnobrai general voiced his frustration to the other Serpentine generals as they huddled together in the meeting room of Garmadon's volcano lair 

"We hate it assss much assss you do SSSSKalessss but there issss nothing we can do about it" Skalidor spoke to Skales, clutching his golden Serpentine staff in anger "He wasssss the one to releasssse ussss from thosssse tombssss" Fangtom's left head joined the conversation "If we are to quesssstion him he would not hessssitate to throw ussss back into thosssse awful tombssss" The right head of Fangtom continued, giving Garmadon a dirty look 

"Don't you ssssee? With thossssse Ninja taking away hisssss fancy Mega Weapon he would be powerlessss to sssstop usssss if all the SSSSerpentine were to turn againsssst him!" Skales informed the other generals who all listened intently "SSSSkalessss makesssss a valid point, if we were to attack Garmadon at thisssss moment with our kind behind ussss, we could rid oursssselvessss of that idiotssss control" Acidicus agreed with what Skales had to say 

A devious smirk formed on Skales' scaly face as he saw the other Serpentine generals seeming interested in his idea "And with Garmadon out of the way we can finally have another SSSSSerpentine take control! A possssition that I believe I am besssst fit for" Skales brought up to the generals "I wassss Pythor'ssss ssssecond in command and sssso after hissss defeat it should be me who becomesss the new SSSSerpentine leader" The Hypnobrai general continued, the three other generals going along with his plan 

"Then I ssssay we attack Garmadon now! Assss he takesss thissss time to enjoy a drink we attack him! Our combined ssssstrength should be no match for him!" Skalidor told the generals, gesturing over to the laying down Garmadon still sipping on his drink. The four Serpentine generals looked at each other, each of them giving a nod of agreement 

With a plan in their minds the Serpentine generals slowly slithered across the meeting room of the piping hot volcano lair, readying themselves to get rid of Garmadon for good, clutching their golden staffs tightly as they thought of the best way to take out the four armed warlord. Skales led the Serpentine generals over to Lord Garmadon, the four of them stopping right in front of their enemy "I'm sssorry to ruin your relaxation Garmadon, but I believe your rul-

Skales didn't even have a chance to finish before Lord Garmadon rose from his lounge chair and abruptly cut him off "Apology accepted Skales, now that I'm fully rested it's time to get back to work" Garmadon spoke as he handed his drink to Skales, the Hypnobrai general looking appalled, tossing the drink away as he and the other generals followed Garmadon 

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