Day out in the City

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(Jay's POV)


I slowly opened up my eyes and grabbed my phone to turn off my alarm, I groaned as I reluctantly got out of bed, another day as Jay

I opened up my closet and pulled out my usual attire, I made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my freckled face

Walking into the kitchen I could smell the pancakes my mother had made for me and my dad

"Morning sweetie" My mom smiled at me as I sat down to eat my breakfast

I practically scarfed down my pancakes before I grabbed the last few things I needed for school and left the Junkyard, hopeful that today would be a good day

I slowly walked through the doors of the school and nervously made my way over to my locker, hoping to see my friends, and luckily they were all there waiting for me

"H-h-hey guys" I waved at them as I approached my locker

"There you are Jay! We were getting worried you wouldn't show" Kai greeted me

"O-O-Of course I was g-gonna show up!" I told Kai as I opened up my locker and grabbed some stuff I needed

"So Jay we've all came up with an idea" Lloyd began to tell me

"Oh y-y-yeah? W-what is it?" I asked Lloyd, praying it wasn't another prank war

"Well since we get off school early today we decided to have a day out in the City!" Lloyd explained to me as I closed my locker and locked it

"What do you say Jay? You gonna join us?" Cole asked me as he held Seliel's hand, they sure are cute together

"Ummm s-s-sure!" I happily replied, happy I get to spend more time with my friends

"Great! It wouldn't be the same without you Jay" Nya cutely smiled at me, I brought my orange scarf up to my face to hide my blush as I let out a small embarrassed chuckle

"Ah this is gonna be so much fun!" Kai hyped us all up

The first bell of the day rang and we all parted ways for our first class of the day, ugh despite this being a half day it's gonna feel like a full day plus five years!

The bell for my final class of the day finally rang and I began throwing all my stuff into my bag to get out of the class

"And don't forget to do the questions on page 70626 for homework!" Mr. Saunders told us as we all ran out of his classroom, which weirdly had tons of clocks all over the place. That guy is really obsessed with time!

I speed walked through the halls of the school with my head down and my hands in my pockets, really not wanting to catch anyone's attention. Lately I haven't been being bullied like usual, maybe it's because I actually have friends now?

Leaving the school building I saw everyone waiting for me patiently, I walked down the steps of the school and joined them all under the blossom tree

"H-H-hey guys, t-thanks for uhhh w-waiting for me" I thanked everyone who smiled

"Of course we were going to wait for you Jay, you are our friend after all" Zane smiled at me

"Let's get this show on the road then!" Lloyd said as we began to walk towards the main part of Ninjago City

"Okay so I think it's best we split into pairs" Harumi suggested

"Good idea Rumi!" Lloyd smiled at Harumi

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