Weekend Sparring

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(No One's POV)

It was a bright and sunny Saturday in Ninjago City and the Ninja were currently on their way to their warehouse base, Wu had told them the previous day to be at the warehouse for some more training. The ninja all arrived at the warehouse and walked inside to meet their Sensei

"Hey Sensei" Nya said greeting the elderly man

"Welcome Ninja, today we will be doing more training" Wu said as he gave the ninja their weapons

"But this will not be like the other training sessions, instead of training with dummies and punching bags. You will be training against each other!" Wu said knocking his staff against the ground

"Training against each other?" Lloyd asked confused

"Yes Lloyd, you will spar against each other!" Wu explained

"B-but isn't t-t-that dangerous?" Jay said from behind Kai

"Not if you use your training Jay" Wu said

"What are the match ups Sensei?" Kai asked excitedly

"I think the first match up shall be....Lloyd vs Zane!" Wu said

Wu and the other Ninja backed away so that Lloyd and Zane could have some space for their battle

"I'm not gonna go easy on ya Zane!" Lloyd said pulling on his ninja mask and pulling out his sword as Zane grabbed his bow and got ready

"I shall not go easy on you either Lloyd" Zane said pulling the arrow back in his bow

"NINJAAAAA GO!" Wu shouted making the battle begin

Zane shot an arrow straight at Lloyd but Lloyd easily jumped out of the way and charged into Zane with his sword but the ice ninja knocked Lloyd back with a swift punch! Lloyd then swung his sword at Zane who quickly turned his bow into a makeshift staff and blocked the attack, Zane then pushed Lloyd back with his male shift staff and poked him in the stomach with it making him fall back, Zane made his staff back into a bow and tried to shoot another arrow at Lloyd but Lloyd just broke the arrow with his sword in thin air and then threw his sword at Zane knocking his bow out of his hand, while Zane tried to get his bow back Lloyd quickly charged up to Zane and punched him right in the chest knocking him out for the count! Wu declared Lloyd the winner

"Told you I wouldn't go easy on you Zane" Lloyd said helping the ice ninja back up

"You did warn me" Zane said

"Now for the next match up....Kai vs Nya!" Wu said shocking the siblings

"But Sensei I can't fight Nya!" Kai complained

"Can't or won't?" Wu said

"Are you too chicken Kai?" Nya said mocking her brother making him angry

"Nobody calls me chicken!" Kai said as he pulled out his two silver katanas and charged at Nya who just blocked her brothers attack with her spear, Nya then spun around and kicked Kai back stunning him for a minute. Nya took advantage of this and threw her spear at Kai who barely blocked the spear with his two swords, Nya ran up to Kai and jumped over him and then hit him hard in the back knocking him forward onto his back! But Kai soon got back up and grabbed Nya's spear and tried to throw it at her but Nya merely caught her spear and charged at Kai ready to finish to fight, Kai quickly grabbed one of his swords and began duelling with Nya's spear. Nya would try to hit Kai from the left but he would block it, she would then try the right but he'd block it again and again and again! Nya came up with an idea, Nya stopped striking Kai and knocked Kai off of his feet using her spear! Wu then declared Nya the winner

"Looks like I beat you bro" Nya said helping Kai up

"Well I let you win" Kai said slightly embarrassed

"Sure you did" Nya teased

"Now that leaves our last match up.....Jay vs Cole!" Wu said making Jay gulp but making Cole crack his knuckles

"Oh this will be fun" Cole said as he pulled out his hammer ready to fight Jay

"Um S-S-Sensei suddenly I um d-don't feel s-so good I'm uh g-g-gonna go h-home!" Jay said in fear and began to walk off but was stopped by  someone's hand grabbing his arm. It was Nya. Jay turned around to face the water ninja

"Come on Jay you can do this! You're a Ninja now, and Ninja never quit!" Nya said with a reassuring smile on her face making Jay smile back

"O-okay Nya, I'll t-t-try my best" Jay said pulling on his ninja mask and pulling out his flail ready to fight, Nya made her way beside Kai who nudged her in the arm and smirked at her making her blush and hit Kai playfully on the arm

"Looks like old junkyard boy finally grew a back bone!" Cole taunted Jay

"Y-you can do this J-Jay" Jay reassured himself while taking deep breaths calming himself down

"NINJAAAA GO!" Wu yelled starting the match

Cole made his way to Jay and swung his hammer at Jay who quickly ducked under the hammer and then using his flail spun around and knocked Cole back making the other ninja cheer for their nervous friend. Cole jumped into the air and tried to squash Jay with his hammer but Jay rolled out of the way and using his flail once again hit Cole in the chest knocking back again, Cole was growing angry and began swinging his hammer like crazy but Jay simply dodged all the attacks as fast as lightning making Cole become tired. As soon as Cole began to slow down his attacks Jay wrapped his flail around Cole's hammer and unarmed Cole and kicked him down onto ground. Wu declared Jay the winner

Jay couldn't believe it, he had finally beaten Cole! Jay jumped for joy as his teammates surrounded him and congratulated him, but Cole was still on the ground with his arms crossed looking at them all angrily. Nya pulled Jay in for a hug in which he gladly accepted and hugged Nya back

"I knew you could do it Jay" Nya said smiling at the lightning ninja

"T-thanks N-Nya" Jay said blushing and scratching the back of his neck

"Great training students, I will see you all again tomorrow" Wu said happily

Lloyd began to put his sword away until Wu stopped him

"You may keep your weapons, you have all earned them by become true ninjas" Wu said bowing

"Thank you Sensei" Lloyd said bowing

"Now go, get ready for tomorrow" Wu said

As the ninjas all made their way home Wu locked up the warehouse at stared into the distance at Lord Garmadon's Volcano Lair sensing something wrong

"This time I'm ready brother" Wu said as he continued to stare at the volcano lair

That's it for this cheater! Next chapter is going to be a BIG one so make sure you stick around for that, feel free to share this with other Ninjago fans! Also feel free to leave a comment telling me your thoughts about this chapter, make sure you go ahead and follow me!

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