Meeting with the Mayor

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(Kai's POV)

I know I'm supposed to be the Fire Ninja of the group, but even I have to admit that the heat we're dealing with today is a bit too much to handle, and just our luck that the sun decided to give us perfect beach day weather when we're stuck fixing what Lord Garmadon did to the Bounty, I would much rather be enjoying a nice cold ice cream while laying under a beach umbrella than spending all day repainting the Bounty.......

"Argh! This is taking forever!" I couldn't help myself from shouting out in frustration, wiping sweat off my forehead for what felt like the millionth time in the last hour "The less we complain about it the quicker we can get it done!" I heard the voice of my sister yell back at me from the front of the ship, her and Zane having the job of fixing the sails of the ship, replacing the ugly black and purple sails with Master Wu's original tan and red decorated sails 

I was going to mock my sis but after realising it would have only ended with her throwing whatever tool she had in her hand directly at my head, I decided to save myself from the pain and just quietly return to painting over the purple parts of the Bounty with the original red paint, fitting that the Red Ninja ended up using the red paint I guess, at least if I accidentally get paint on myself it'll just blend right in with the rest of my gi 

"This is going to be one of the rare times that I agree with Kai, this is taking absolutely forever!" Harumi cried out from her position at the very top of the deck, working with Cole on repainting the dragon head on the front of the Bounty, replacing Garmadon's darker colours with the bright red I was using "Thank you! I think...." I half thanked the white haired girl, not quite sure if she was being all that nice to me. Cole however didn't seem to mind how long this fixing the Bounty process was taking, he was just peacefully painting the dragon head while jamming out with his black and gold headphones 

Restoring the Destiny's Bounty back to its former glory was taking so long that I had just used the last of my third can of red paint, with a slight groan I picked up the empty tin and threw it down to the rest of the empty cans of paint on the wooden dock leading to the Bounty, making my way across the brown deck of the ship to go fetch yet another can of red paint, passing by both Jay and Skylor who were busy with their own duties 

Stepping off the half refurbished ship I walked over to the pile of paint cans that Master Wu had given us and carefully picked up a new tin of red paint that I needed, remembering how painful it looked when Jay had clumsily dropped a tin of paint on Cole's foot, if Cole wasn't such a chill guy I don't think we would have a Blue Ninja anymore

I took my time making my way back to my assigned position on the Bounty, trying to savour every moment of not working on the ship as I was bathed in the heat of the sun, shielding my eyes from the intense light with my ungloved hand, Master Wu could have at least left us out something to drink while we worked, heck I would even take tea I've become that desperate and tired of this work. I effortlessly tore open the new red paint and continued the boring process of dipping my paintbrush into the red liquid and applying it to the wood of the Bounty, watching as Garmadon's purple was slowly being replaced with the bright red colour, preparing myself to be doing this for the rest of the day

"Y'know, Lloyd is meant to be our leader and yet I don't see him out here dying in the heat helping us with the ship!" I could hear the upset voice of Skylor point out as she continued to work tirelessly "Lloyd is currently within the warehouse having a mentor talk with Master Wu in regards to his elemental power" Zane informed Skylor of Lloyd's whereabouts "A-A-Awfully convenient t-t-time for a m-mentor talk" Jay commented on the situation, using a nearby cloth to wipe the sweat off his freckled face 

"What is that I heard about mentor talk?" The old voice of Master Wu suddenly asked as he and Lloyd walked out onto the docks, the Green Ninja finally joining us in the blazing heat "I do hope that you are not speaking about mentor talk in a disrespectful manner young Blue Ninja, it is an incredibly important time for any Ninja" Master Wu spoke to the nervous Jay in a scolding like manner, instantly making the auburn haired teen scared of a potential punishment 

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