Setting Sail

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(Cole's POV)

These Golden Weapons sound so cool! And also quite important, I wonder what my Golden Weapon is! Maybe it's a golden hammer? Or even a golden spear!

I entered my house and sighed as I saw my father was still on tour, I was really hoping to see him again next week, but now I have to go search for these Golden Weapons. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm going on a quest to save the island I love, I just really miss my father and haven't seen him in ages! I made my way up the stairs and entered my bedroom, I looked around and began grabbing a few essentials for the trip, I threw in my toothbrush, toothpaste, spare clothes, my hammer of course, a few snacks and of course my headphones to listen to some sick tunes!

As I finished packing up it began to get a little late, I decided to make myself a quick microwaveable noodle cup for dinner and just call it a day. Once I finished my Master Chen's Noodle Cup I began to fall asleep, not before setting an alarm for the morning of course


I began to slowly open my eyes after hearing my alarm go off, I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and turned off the alarm while checking the time, it was only 7:30 so I had quite awhile to get to the Warehouse. I got out of my bed and got dressed into my Ninja gi, I made way down the stairs and made myself a quick bowel of cereal, I plopped down onto the couch and turned the TV on while I ate my cereal. All that was on was just a recap of Garmadon's attack yesterday, they do this every time Garmadon attacks the city, which is a lot! I finish up my cereal and put my bowel in sink, before I rush off I grab a piece of paper and a pen and write a note to my father

"Dear Dad,

You may be wondering why I'm not home, well there's this school trip I'm going on in which we go camping in the mountains! The trip will last for roughly a month or two, but don't worry I'll be home in no time! Anyways, I'm really looking forward to seeing you when I get back from my trip, we haven't seen each other in what feels like years!

Love, Cole"

I place the note on the kitchen table and make my way out of my house and began to make my way to the Warehouse. As I am stealthily running across the rooftops of Ninjago City I whip out my phone and begin to call Seliel, boy this is going to be tough. It rings for a little until someone picks up

"Hello? Cole?" Seliel said from the other end of the phone

"Hey Seliel! Did I catch you at a bad time?" I asked her as I hop market stand to market stand

"No not really, I kinda just woke up" Seliel told me with a light chuckle

"Well you're probably wondering why I called you so early" I told Seliel

"Uh yeah I guess so" Seliel said tiredly

"Well I'm going on a family vacation with my uhh father and I'll be gone for like maybe a month or two, sorry Seliel" I told my girlfriend

"Oh no worries Cole, me and my family were gonna be going on vacation pretty soon so hey maybe we'll run into each other!" Seliel told me happily

"Uhh yeah maybe, anyways, gotta go now! Boarding the umm plane!" I said to my girlfriend

"Alright Cole! Love you!" Seliel said to me making me blush under my ninja mask

"I uhhh love you too!" I said as I quickly hung up the phone and jumped down to the Warehosue to meet my friends

"Ah Cole you made it, right on time!" Wu said to me as he stepped off of the Destiny's Bounty

"Was that Seliel you were talking to on the phone?" Lloyd asked me smugly making me once again blush under my mask

"Haha yeah" I said embarrassed

"Do not be embarrassed Cole, Kai and Lloyd made the same phone call to Harumi and Skylor" Zane said to making Kai and Lloyd blush a little

"I see you have all brought duffle bags with your stuff, I hope it is only the bare essentials" Wu said to us

"Yep it sure is Sensei!" Nya replied to Wu

"Excellent, now let's set sail!" Wu said as he walked up the plank connecting the Bounty to the docks and boarded the ship, one by one we all got onto the ship, except for Kai, who for some reason just stood there and looked at the water

"Come on Kai we don't have all day! What is it? A pretty fish catch your eye?" Lloyd asked Kai who still stood on the docks

"N-no, it's just I'm uhhh....." Kai began to say sounding quite scared

"Ugh it's because he's afraid of water!" Nya explained to us as she facepalmed at her brother

"W-what? The m-m-master of fire is a-afraid of water? Hehe w-who would've seen that c-coming!" Jay chuckled getting a good laugh out of us

"It's not funny!" Kai whined from the deck

"Well if you just won't get on I guess we'll have to get the Golden Weapons without you" Wu said making his way to steer the ship

"No no wait! Just give me a couple of minutes!" Kai frantically said as he began to close his eyes, he took in a deep breath and began to make his way across the plank with his arms out for balance, one foot at a time he eventually boarded the ship and we all clapped and cheered for him

"Alright alright that's enough!" Kai said to us a little annoyed making us all laugh

"Let's set sail for the Golden Weapons!" Sensei shouted as he began to pull out of the docks and sail towards the Golden Weapons

That's it for this chapter! Make sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments and feel free to share this with other Ninjago fans. Make sure you go ahead and follow me!

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