Day of the Great Devourer

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"Mommy, when will the train be here?" A brown haired little girl asked her mother, the both of them patiently sitting down waiting for their train to Jamanakai Village "I'm sure that it will be here soon sweetheart, it's probably just running a little late that's all" The mother told her daughter with a smile, both of them were very happy to finally be seeing the rest of their family 

Just a little bit away from the mother and daughter was a black haired man anxiously pacing back and forth, constantly checking his watch while clutching his brown briefcase tightly "Where is that train? My boss will fire me for this! Where is that train? My boss will fire me for this!" He continuously mumbled to himself

"If this train isn't here in the next 5 minutes I'm gonna be late to Green-Con! All my friends are already there having the time of their lives while I'm stuck here waiting for my damn train! I bet I would have been there by now if I had just taken the tram like my mom suggested...." An avid Green Ninja fan decked out in all the latest Green Ninja merchandise ranted to themselves, if only they had listened to their mother, they would be having the greatest time at Ninjago City's biggest Green Ninja fan convention by now 

The Ninjago Metro was packed to the brim with people tapping their feet, looking up and down the track and doing whatever they could to keep themselves busy until the train they've all been waiting for finally arrives, usually the city's trains are mostly on time, only ever being late if a Garmadon attack was happening. Something must have been horribly wrong with the platform 9 train today, it was supposed to be at the platform 30 minutes ago.....

"So sorry about the wait today folks but it looks like platform 9's train to Jamanakai Village is finally arriving, we once again apologise for the wait and ask that you all please stay behind the yellow line as the train makes its long awaited arrival" An announcement sounded throughout the platform, followed shortly by a few happy cheers as everyone started making their way over to where their train would be arriving 

It was hard to hear the train coming with all the impatiently waiting passengers on the platform but it was very easy to feel it, the platform shook and even cracked a little as it grew closer and closer at a breakneck speed. A sudden ear piercing shriek came from the tunnel where the oncoming train was approaching, something was very wrong with this train

The tunnel collapsed as what everyone thought would be their train came to a halt in platform 9 followed by terrified screams as every single passenger ran for the building's exit, the large green serpent thrashed itself off the metal tracks destroying the entire platform with its body, it released a horrific roar before aiming straight for the ceiling and shooting itself all the way up to surface level exploding out of the Ninjago Metro building, the Great Devourer had finally arrived at the city and was about to begin its long awaited feast 

(Kai's POV)

"Hey just a quick thought, I've noticed that there are a lot more of your Ninja's fancy vehicles so ya think I can stop holding on for my dear life here and hop on one with preferably an actual seat?" We just barely heard Lord Garmadon asking from on top of Cole's Tread Assault, it's a bit hard to hear anything with all our Golden Weapon vehicles going full speed across the Sea of Sand 

"Sorry Garms but you're just gonna have to hold on for a bit longer, we're kinda in a rush here" I smirked over at the four armed warlord from under my mask, sure he could probably make the jump over to Nya's speedboat but this is way funnier "You know that Ultra Sonic Raider bike was cool but nothing beats this Blade Cycle!" Skylor happily cheered from behind me "You said it babe!" I said back to her with a cocky smile before revving my motorcycle's engine and shooting ahead of everyone else, leaving a trail of fire behind me and Sky 

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