(Lloyd's POV)
I wake up in me and my mom's small apartment in Ninjago City and get myself out of bed, I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and clean my face, I look at the mirror and look into my green eyes before leaving to go to the kitchen. My mom had already left to go to work so I was alone eating my breakfast which I didn't mind, I put my bowl in the sink and throw on my green jacket and black pants and make my way out of the small apartment
I was walking down the street to School and like always people were running away from me and just staying away from me in general, they all think I'm evil like my father but I'm not! I wouldn't even hurt a fly! One of these days I'll show them all that I'm not evil, some day I'll have my chance
I arrive to the dreaded Ninjago High and make my way in with my hood up and managed to avoid any confrontations, I open up my damaged locker which has "Garmadork" and "Evil" written all over it, once I open it up many notes saying a lot of hurtful things fall out just like every other day. I grab my things for the day and set off for my first class of the day, as I'm walking to my first class I can't help but notice a guy with white hair and bright blue eyes wearing an odd blue sweater. His eyes remind me of a robot for someone reason, I continue on walking and see another eye catching person wearing a sleeveless shirt with shaggy black hair, it was Cole, the School jock. He's constantly picking on small and weak people and occasionally shoves me to the ground which isn't anything new, I think the person he picks on the most would be this kid I see who always wears a bright orange scarf and has freckles, as I walk past Cole he pushes me into the wall and snickers. I ignore it and continue making my way to my first class, I walk into the room and everyone instantly stops what they're doing and watches as I make my way to the very back of the class and sit in my seat in the back left corner while everyone else sits down on the right side. I sigh as I begin doing my work, just a regular day in the life of a warlord's son
It's finally lunch time which means I can finally sit down and relax, or at least that's what I wish would happen. What usually happens is that I'm forced to eat my lunch outside of the Cafeteria which is what happened today, Chad who was another jock like person like Cole shoved me onto the ground and eventually made me leave the Cafeteria and eat my lunch outside like always. The teachers don't do anything because even they are scared of me because I'm Lord Garmadon's son, the only people who aren't scared of me are the jocks because they're actually stronger than me and some of them have actually helped against Garmadon's attacks by taking out some of the shark army soldiers which is kind of impressive. Before I was kicked out though I noticed another kid sitting by himself and it was the orange scarf kid who is usually picked on by Cole, maybe me and him are a little alike
The School day was finally over and I was able to just go home and forget all about my miserable social life and relax. I walked into the apartment and set my bag down at the door and saw that my mom was home from work
"Welcome home sweetie" Koko said as she pulled Lloyd in for a big hug
"Hey mom" Lloyd said pulling out of the hug and getting a snack to eat
"So how was your day?" Koko asked Lloyd
"It was um normal" Lloyd said getting a drink from the fridge
"Well all that matters is that you were yourself" Koko said as she began to cook dinner
"I guess you're right" Lloyd said as he made his way into his room. When he closed the door and looked at his bed he gasped, there was a box with a scroll on his bed, he carefully approached the box and took the scroll and read it
"Dear Lloyd Garmadon,
You may be wondering why there is a box and a scroll in your room, your questions shall be answered. I am writing you this scroll and giving you this box to inform you that I have selected you and 5 others to be apart of my Secret Ninja Force to help protect the city from your father, do not worry your identity will be kept a secret if you wish to take me up on my Ninja offer which I hope you do. I have selected you and the other 5 people specifically because I believe you and the others will make a great team and even greater friends. I wish for you to meet me and the rest of your team at the Ninjago City Warehouse on Tuesday at 16:00, you must show up in your green ninja suit and you mustn't let anyone know you're going. Look at this as a chance to prove yourself and show that you are not evil after all. I am looking forward to seeing you and the others at the Warehouse
Uncle Wu"I was shocked, I never knew that Uncle Wu was a Sensei. I thought he lived far away from the city, he would visit at least once a year and he was such a kind old man. I was also shocked about the whole ninja thing, but this was the chance I have been waiting for! An opportunity to show that I am the exact opposite of my father! Sure no one would know that it is me defeating Garmadon but it'll prove to me that I'm good, I think I'll take Uncle Wu up on the offer, but my thoughts were interrupted my by mom
"Dinner time Lloyd!" Koko yelled
"I'll be there in a minute mom!" I yell back as I hide the box and scroll under my bed and make my way to the dinner table, it's time I show I'm not evil
That's the end for the second chapter! Don't worry, I won't be making a chapter like this for all of the Ninja, make sure you share this story with other Ninjago fans and let me know your thoughts in the comments and make sure to drop me a follow!

Ninjago: Ninja Life
FanficJoin our six favourite Ninja as they go throughout their lives as Ninja and High School students, they must face down Lord Garmadon who is their green leaders father! What will happen to the Ninja? Many battles, friendship, love, awkward moments and...