(Nobody's POV)
"Another Fang Blade is ours!" Pythor triumphantly waved around the Fang Blade from the Blade Cup on top of the Great Devourer statue, all of the Serpentine below him cheered as he placed the new Fang Blade into one of the teeth of the statue
"Excellent, two down and two more to go" Skales applauded Pythor as the Anacondria slithered his way back to the ground of Ouroboros
"Yeah yeah you got the Fang Blade whatever" Lord Garmadon sulked with his four arms crossed
"What'ssssss gotten hisssss armsssss in a twissssst?" Fangtom's left head asked Pythor in it's usual vampire voice
"Oh he's just upset that we never recorded the talent show for him" Pythor told Fangtom
"I have never felt so betrayed" Lord Garmadon pouted, turning his back to the snickering Serpentine Generals
"Well we did have sssssssomething more important to deal with" Skalidor reminded Lord Garmadon of the Ninja's appearance at the talent show, which almost caused them the Fang Blade
"Yes yes you've told me about that before" Garmadon continued to sulk "You could have at least recorded my son's part of the performance! Maybe if I gave it to Koko she would accept me again....."
"Ugh, we have more important thingsssss than your relationshipssssss to deal with" Acidicus spat at Garmadon. Literally
"Acidicus is right, finding the last two Fang Blades is our only priority" Pythor informed everyone as he revealed the map to the Fang Blades, with two x's over the already obtained Fang Blades
"Sssssssso where isssss the next Fang Blade?" Skales asked Pythor while he looked at the map
"Well for once I'm not exactly sure" Pythor answered Skales a bit puzzled as he looked closer at the map "It says the Fang Blade is off the main Ninjago island, and the only clue is a Fang Blade marking in the middle of the ocean!"
The Serpentine Generals all gathered around to look at the Fang Blade marking Pythor was referring to, their reptilian eyes showed confusion as none of them had any idea where the Fang Blade was
"Oh I know where that is!" Garmadon suddenly spoke out, the Serpentine Generals all looked at him surprised
"You do?" Skalidor asked the four armed Warlord
"From what I can remember, that marking seems to be on the location of where my father placed the Sword of Fire" Garmadon told the Generals
"Didn't the Ninja go there?" Fangtom's right head asked "That red Ninja issssss alwaysssss fighting with that Ssssssword of fire"
"Do you think the Ninja already took the Fang Blade!?" Skalidor asked slamming his Serpentine staff onto the ground
"I doubt it, those Ninja didn't even know of the Fang Blade's existence back then" Pythor said to Skalidor "Those brats would have waved it in our faces by now"
"And from what I can recall from my father's stories, the Fang Blade was not located anywhere near the Sword of Fire" Garmadon told the Generals
"Then where on that island would the Fang Blade be?" Skales asked Garmadon, intrigued that the Warlord was actually being useful
"If my memory serves me correct the Fang Blade should be hidden underneath the Fire Temple" Garmadon replied to Skales
"Chokun! Get some mining equipment ready!" Pythor shouted at the nearby Constrictai
Pythor rolled the map back up and the Serpentine Generals made their way towards the Rattlecopters
"Aren't you coming Garmadon?" Skales asked the Warlord who was now putting on some shades and opening up a beach chair

Ninjago: Ninja Life
FanfictionJoin our six favourite Ninja as they go throughout their lives as Ninja and High School students, they must face down Lord Garmadon who is their green leaders father! What will happen to the Ninja? Many battles, friendship, love, awkward moments and...