The surprise

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(Nya's POV)

Me and Kai have just gotten back from our last meeting at the warehouse, I really like my spear and can't wait to actually use it in battle! I wonder when Garmadon is gonna attack, he's been on some sort of vacation because he hasn't attacked in like 2 months! Kai and I change back into our usual attire and sit down in the living room to talk

"What do you think the surprise is Nya?" Kai asked me

"Hmmmm I don't know, maybe it's a new teammate?" I said uncertain

"I think it's something cool! Like maybe we have a secret base that isn't just a warehouse!" Kai said excitedly

"I like the warehouse, there's so much open space, maybe the surprise could be something that fills in some of the open space" I say hoping I'm right

"Maybe, well it's getting late, we better start going to bed" Kai said getting up and going to his room, I then went up to my room to go to sleep, I'm excited to see the surprise tomorrow!


I wake up and rub my eyes open, I get up out of bed and make my way to the bathroom, I brush my teeth and wash my face along with putting my long black hair back into its usual high ponytail. I change into my usual ripped jeans along with my white and black striped shirt being covered up by my black leather jacket, I make my way down the stairs and see Kai making me and himself breakfast

"Oh good morning sis, enjoy the pancakes" Kai said as he severed me a plate of pancakes, I thank him and begin digging in. Once me and Kai had finished our pancakes we finished getting ready and began our walk to Ninjago High. Once we reached the school we saw our friends waiting outside for us, we waved to them and they waved back

"Hey guys, thanks for waiting for us" Kai said

"There was no problem Kai, you and Nya are our friends after all" Zane said

"Y-yeah" Jay said clutching his arm shyly like he always does, I've noticed that Jay is pretty shy, and he's actually pretty cute looking

"Hey Jay" I say waving hello making the blue ninja blush a bit and hide his face with his orange scarf and wave back

"So we heading in or what?" Cole said with his hands in his pockets as usual, we then head in for the school day

Me and Kai get home from school and begin getting into our ninja suits for our warehouse meeting. Once we're done we sneak down to the warehouse and meet our other teammates, but for some reason the doors to the warehouse were closed, we were all puzzled

"Uh g-guys, are t-the doors supposed to b-b-be closed" Jay said

"They aren't normally, maybe Wu slept in and forgot to open it up?" Lloyd suggested but we just shook our heads

"Ugh! If the surprise is that we can't enter the warehouse I'm gonna be ticked off!" Cole said with his fists clenched

Just then we heard a familiar sound, the sound of a wooden staff being hit against the ground, we turn around to see our Sensei standing there with a smile on his face

"What's with the doors being closed Wu?" Lloyd asked just as confused as the rest of us

"That is where the surprise comes in" Wu said pulling out a remote control and pressing a button on it making the doors of the warehouse open, when we looked inside our jaws dropped, inside of the warehouse was a small kitchen, some couches for relaxation, a whole training room to the side, what looked to be a medical room near the training room, but what surprised us the most was what was in the middle of the warehouse, there were 6 huge mechs!

"WOW!!" Kai said loudly causing a bit of an echo

"T-t-this looks a-awesome" Jay said

"I am glad you like it students, now let me explain the giant mechs you see in front of you" Wu said making his way in front of us

"These mechs shall be used to help you face off against Lord Garmadon, each of you have your own mech, I trust that you all will take good care of them" Wu said, he then pointed his staff to a workshop close to the mechs

"If any of your mechs are badly damaged this workshop shall be used to repair them, I believe Jay and Nya are equipped for this job" Wu said

"Yes we are!" I said pumped up

"Now let me explain who owns which mech" Wu said

"Kai, you own the red mech" Wu said pointing his staff at a tall and red mech decked out with cool designs and flamethrowers as arms

"Awesome!!" Kai said as he admired his mech

"Cole, you own the black mech" Wu said, Cole's mech was kind of gorilla themed and was standing up via one big wheel

"So cool" Cole said

"Zane, you own the white tank" Wu said, Zane's tank had a pyramid like design and had a canon which could shoot ice!

"Ice is nice" Zane said making us cringe

"And for you Jay, a blue lightning jet! Wu said, Jay's lightning jet had 2 lightning shooters at the side and was very cool! It kind of looked like a spaceship!

"For Lloyd, a green dragon mech!" Wu said pointing to a green and gold dragon mech

"And finally for Nya, a water strider!" Wu said. I looked at my vehicle and my jaw dropped even more, my vehicle looked like some sort of spider build that could by the looks of it float on water and even walk or even slide on it!

"Wow Sensei, where did you get these cool mechs?" Lloyd asked his uncle

"I have an old friend who works at this company called L.E.G.O, they are very much in the whole construction business" Wu explained

"W-well these m-mechs are a-a-awesome!" Jay said jumping up and down like a child, it made me giggle

"So Sensei when can we use them?" Kai said excitedly

"When Garmadon attacks, I don't want them getting destroyed on a joy ride" Wu said

"Ugh, that'll be like in forever!" Cole said frustrated

"For now let us train" Wu said getting the training equipment out from the floor again. The rest of the day was spent on training some more with our weapons, after it became late Wu sent us all home so we could get ready for the next day of the week, Friday

That's it for this chapter of Ninjago: Ninja Life! Make sure you guys let me know your thoughts in the comments and feel free to share this with other Ninjago fans. Also make sure you drop me a follow!

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