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(Jay's POV)

I made my way back into my bedroom window without my parents noticing and changed out of my ninja suit and changed into my blue pyjamas, I threw the ninja suit into the box it came in and slid the box under my bed. I made my way to the kitchen and saw that my parents left me some dinner on the kitchen table, I peeled off the layer of plastic covering it and began to dig in, man I sure do love my mom's cooking. I finished my dinner and put the plate into the dishwasher and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth before bed, after brushing my teeth I get into bed and begin to fall asleep, the one thing that is on my mind, or should I say the only one that is on my mind, is Nya


I wake up and rub my eyes open, I get out of my bed and decide to brush my teeth, after doing so I change from my blue pyjamas into my classic blue shirt and orange scarf. I make my way into the kitchen and start having my breakfast

"Jay? Why were you up so late?" Ed asked while reading the newspaper, Jay gulped and quickly thought of a reason

"Uh um I w-was playing v-v-videogames?" Jay said nervously pouring himself a bowl of Cheerios

"Well next time don't stay up so late on those damn video games honey, now eat your breakfast and get on your way to school" Edna said to Jay as he began to eat his Cheerios. Jay finished his cereal and grabbed his lunch for the day, put it hi to his bag and began his walk to Ninjago High

Once Jay arrived at Ninjago High he went to his locker as usual and grabbed his stuff for the day, when he closed his locker he was met with the face of Cole Brookstone

"C-C-Cole?!" Jay yelped in shock jumping back making the other ninja laugh

"Yeah it's me" Cole said as he pinned Jay against his locker

"W-w-what are you g-gonna do to m-me" Jay stuttered frightened

"Nothing, I'm just gonna make sure you didn't tell anyone about us being ninja!" Cole said slamming Jay into his locker again

"I-I-I didn't I s-swear!" Jay stuttered

"Good, and you better not tell anyone that we basically hung out yesterday!" Cole said slamming Jay into his locker one final time and leaving him alone, I guess working with teammates is gonna be a little tougher than I thought

It's now lunch time and Jay had just gotten into the Cafeteria after going to his locker, he looked around the place for a table to sit at but stopped when he noticed a familiar person waving at him, it was Kai and the other ninja, including Cole. Jay approached the table slowly

"Hey Jay, you sitting down?" Kai said making room for Jay to sit down beside him, Jay took him up on the offer and sat down beside him

"Who do you usually sit with Jay?" Zane asked the scarf wearing boy

"Hehe, this is um k-kinda of embarrassing b-b-but I Uh actually j-just sit by myself" Jay said while being red and scratching the back of his neck

"Awww you poor thing" Nya said making Jay blush harder

"Well don't worry bro, we're your friends now" Kai said placing a comforting hand on Jay's shoulder making the blue ninja smile

"Speak for yourself" Cole said crossing his arms and looking away from his teammates, soon Nya slapped him in the back of the head

"Owww!" Cole said rubbing the back of his head

"Now I don't know what you have against Jay but you're going to learn how to be his friend!" Nya said to Cole making him nod his head, looks Jay had finally made some long term friends

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and make sure to share this with other Ninjago fans, also feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments! Make sure you go ahead and drop me a follow!

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