Emma Boiling Hot Dogs At 1 Am?

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Emma: I'm so hungry. *gets up out of bed and gets some Ball Park hot dogs out of the fridge, gets a pot, fills it with water, turns on the stove, and waits for the water to boil* Can't sleep on an empty stomach.

Pot Of Water: *boiling*

Emma: *puts the hot dogs in the water* Just hope doesn't Ken wake up. This shouldn't take long.

Ken: *wakes up and is thirsty*

Emma: *hears footsteps* Uh oh.....

Ken: *walks into the kitchen and discovers what Emma is up to* Emma!!! What in the world are you doing, boiling hot dogs at this hour?!

Announcer: It was at that moment that Emma knew, she flipped up.

Emma: I can explain! I was hungry!

Ken: It's way too late for that, Emma! Go on and boil your hot dogs! Don't let me catch you up this late, boiling anything on the stove again! *gets his water, drinks it, and goes back to bed* Get back to bed, when you're done!

Emma: Sorry! Jeez! You know what? Forget this! *pours the hot water down the sink, and throws the hot dogs away* I rather sleep on an empty stomach, then! Or, I'll just have some Chips Ahoy! *eats some, and goes back to bed* I hate Ken! Hate him so much! *closes her eyes and falls asleep*

This story was written on Tuesday, June 1st, 2021.

A/N Emma, you have to wait for breakfast! Wait till Ken cooks you breakfast, before you head off to school! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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