This Joking About Dying Stuff Needs To Stop!

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Emma: I am dying of this heat! Plan my funeral! *laughing*

Magical_Taylor: Seriously?? What is your problem? Death isn't a joke! You better cut it out! How would you feel, you joked about dying, then someone in your family, suddenly passes on? Huh? How would that make you feel? Answer me, you insensitive jerk!

Emma: Uh, well......

Me: I'll have you know that my friend's cancer is now at stage 2! Moderate risk! His cancer treatment isn't until August 2nd! And, your jokes about death, aren't helping!

Emma: Uh, oh, you see.......

SkittishReflections: You don't understand how serious the situation is, Emma! Cancer kills people, if left untreated! I advise you to knock it off with the jokes! I'm not messing around here, Emma!

Alan: Agreed! Can't you see that Damien gets triggered? Honestly, these people are jerks! Joking about dying! Makes me so angry!

Emma: But I.......

SkittishReflections: No more death jokes, Emma! Enough is enough! Apologize to Damien, right now!

Emma: I'm sorry, Damien.

Me: It's okay. You gotta cut this mess out. And, that goes for everyone on Wattpad that joked about dying.

Alan: Facts, brother!

This story was written on Monday, June 7th, 2021.

A/N These people just won't stop! My anxiety is rising, and my friend has to wait till August 2nd for his cancer treatment, and it progressed to stage 2! I got a lot on my plate here! Why can't people just cut it out?!!! Seriously?? I'm way too stressed out now!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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