Emma Wait Till It Cools Off

15 6 19

Butternut Hollow

Middletown, Connecticut

Emma: *gets ready to fish*

Andrea: Emma!

Emma: What?

Andrea: Ken says, come back home! It's too hot out here!

Emma: I don't care!

Andrea: Now! Wait till the weekend comes, then you go fishing!

Emma: I'll be fine!

Andrea: Just come back home! It's 94 degrees!

Emma: Okay, fine! *gets her fishing gear, and comes back to the apartment*

Andrea: There's always time to go fishing, but today isn't a good day for it.

Emma: Uh huh.

This story was written on Tuesday, June 8th, 2021.

A/N It's just too hot out to go fishing, today! Not to mention possible thunderstorms coming! Emma needs to play it smart! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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