Ken Packing For His Trip To West Virginia

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Ken: *packs his suitcase* It'll probably be hot in WV, so I'll pack some shorts, just in case.

Emma: How long are you gonna be in West Virginia?

Ken: Only for two days, Emma. I'm coming back Saturday. *packs his black dress socks to wear with his suit for the funeral*

Emma: Can't believe tomorrow is the last day of school!!! Woot woot!! Senior year!!!

Ken: Remember, you gotta grow up, Emma! No more childish pranks!

SkittishReflections: That's right! No more childish pranks! And, you better behave yourself, while Ken is away!

Emma: Yes, Ma'am!

Ken: Ree will be here in the morning, to make sure you get up, and get ready for school!

SkittishReflections: That's right! I'm cooking pancakes for breakfast!

Emma: Uh huh.

Ken: *packs his suit and zips up the suitcase* There! I better get to bed soon! Have to get up around 2 am!

SkittishReflections: Okey dokey! I'm leaving now! Have a safe trip, Ken! See ya! *leaves*

Ken: Guys, time for you to go home, and get ready for bed! Let me say my good byes, and hug you!

Kyle: Bye, Ken! Have a safe trip! *shakes his hand*

Ken: *shakes Kyle's hand* Thanks, dude! You be good, hear? Andrea, be good, hear? *hugs Andrea*

Andrea: *hugs Ken* Gonna miss you, Ken! Call me, when you get down there, okay?

Ken: I will! *stops hugging Andrea* Iris, I'll see you, when I get back, okay? *hugs Iris*

Iris: *hugs Ken* Bye, Ken! I love you!

Ken: Love you too, babe! *stops hugging Iris* Margaret, you be good, okay? *hugs Margaret*

Margaret: *hugs Ken* Bye, Ken!

Ken: *stops hugging Margaret* Alexis, you be a good girl, hear? *hugs Alexis*

Alexis: *hugs Ken* I will, Ken!

Steven: Be safe, bro! *shakes Ken's hand*

Ken: I will, bro! *shakes Steven's hand* I left you some money, for pizza.

Steven: Okay.

Ken: Brandon, you be good, hear? *shakes Brandon's hand*

Brandon: *shakes Ken's hand* I will!

Ken: Emma, you behave yourself! You hear me?

Emma: Yeah, yeah.

Ken: Come give me a hug.

Emma: *gives Ken a hug*

Ken: Bye, guys! See you when I get back!

Everyone Else: Bye, Ken! *leaves*

Ken: Okay. *goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth*

Steven: *watches Bob's Burgers*

Emma: Why can't Ken leave now?

Steven: Quiet!

Ken: *comes out of the bathroom* Alright, guys! I'm off to bed, now! Good night! I'll say my good byes to you again, before I leave.

Steven: Okay.

Emma: Alright.

Ken: *goes into his room, closes the door, sets his alarm for 2:30 am, and goes to sleep*

The phone rings.

Emma: *answers it* Hello?

Ray: Hey, is Ken there? Did he go to bed, yet?

Emma: Yes.

Ray: Alright, I thought so. He's supposed to be at my house, around 3 am, so we can hit the road. Just checking to see if he's already asleep. I'm gonna go to bed myself. Just got done packing my clothes. Alright, thank you. Bye.

Emma: Bye. *hangs up* Ken!!!

Steven: Shut up! He's sleeping! He needs his rest, so he can be ready for the trip!

Emma: Sorry.

Steven: Idiot! Try to get ready for bed soon.

Emma: Okay.

Ken: *sleeping and snoring*

This story was written on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021.

A/N Ken has packed his things! Now, he is sleeping, so be ready to hit the road! Have a safe trip to WV, Ken! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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