Emma Tries To Find Her Fishing Pole

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Emma: Where did he put my fishing pole? *tiptoes as to not wake Ken up* I'll find it. Gotta be here, somewhere. *looks under Ken's bed* Nope.

Ken: *sleeping*

Emma: *quietly opens the closet* Nope.

Ken: *wakes up*

Emma: Uh oh...... *tries to sneak back out*

Ken: *notices his door is open* Huh? I thought I closed my door. *gets up out of bed and closes his door* There. *goes back to sleep*

Emma: That was too close. I gotta get my fishing pole back. *burps loud enough to wake Ken up* Oops!

Ken: *wakes up again* What the? Emma, what are you doing up?

Emma: *lies* I was thirsty, so I need some water.

Ken: Then, go get some! Stop messing around! It's almost 1:30 am!

Emma: Okay. *gets some water to drink, even though she isn't thirsty*

This story was written on Monday, June 21st, 2021.

A/N Emma will never find her fishing pole! Never! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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