Sad News

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Ken: I am sure you all got my group text.

Brian: Yes, we did.

Ken: Ray's sister is now in hospice. She isn't getting any better.

Iris: That's so sad. She could die any day now.

Brandon: Exactly. I got your text, when I got on the bus.

Ken: Ray still believes she has a fighting chance. He flips out, because he doesn't want his sister to die.

Emma: Eh, bound to happen.

Ken: Excuse me?

Emma: Did I stutter? If she gonna die, then so be it. Now, what are we having for dinner tonight?

Kyle: You insensitive jerk!

Andrea: You are so insensitive!

Emma: I honestly don't care, if she dies. I don't even know her. Why should I be worried?

SkittishReflections: Are you serious right now? Are you? By the way, I saw you walking with someone. During school hours.

Ken: Wait, what? Emma, did you leave the school?

Emma: I was just hanging out with a friend. We were walking to McDonald's in Cromwell. We were hungry.

Ken: Didn't you eat lunch at school?

Emma: No, we left before lunch.

Ken: So, you mean to tell me you spent your lunch money at McDonald's? The lunch money, I gave you this morning?

Emma: Yes.

Ken: Emma, if this happens again, you're grounded! Don't ever do that again? Do you understand? *gives Emma an angry look*

Emma: Yes, sir. Sorry.

Ken: You better be! Stop hanging out with the wrong people! And, make wise choices!

SkittishReflections: Exactly! But, the news about Ray's sister is upsetting for him, isn't it?

Ken: It truly is. He was this close to tears, when he was talking to me on the phone.

Steven: I bet. I'll try to keep Ray and his family in my thoughts.

Ken: We all will.

Emma: Not me. I don't know them.

Ken: *gives Emma a death stare*

Emma: What? Just saying!

This story was written on Tuesday, June 1st, 2021.

A/N Sad news about Ray's sister. She isn't getting any better, and now she is in hospice care, to live out her last days. Who knows when she will pass on? Could be tomorrow, the next day, or next week. 😟 Just keep Ray and his family in your thoughts. That's all we can do right now. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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