The Dog Likes Melissa

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Melissa Hoon: *walking along*

Dog: *in the yard, and sees Melissa* Woof woof! *runs after Melissa* Woof woof!

Melissa Hoon: *sees the dog running after her* Whoa! No! Don't bite me!

Dog: *topples Melissa over, and licks her face*

Melissa Hoon: *laughing* You're a friendly dog! *getting licked on her face by the dog* Come on, stop! You knocked my glasses off!

Dog: *barks friendly*

Melissa Hoon: *gets up* Got dog slobber on my face! Ugh! *makes a disgusted face*

Woman: *runs out of her house with a napkin* So sorry about that, Ma'am! My dog is so friendly! He likes people so much! Clean your face up! *gives Melissa the napkin*

Melissa Hoon: *cleans her face, using the napkin* It's okay! He seems like a good mutt!

Dog: *panting*

Woman: Come on, boy, let's go for a walk! *whistles* Take care, Ma'am!

Melissa Hoon: You too!

Woman: *walking her dog on a leash*

Dog: *panting*

This story was written on Monday, June 21st, 2021.

A/N That dog really must love Melissa!! It's a dog eat dog world! 🐩 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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