Emma Enough Is Enough

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Emma: I am dying of heart failure!

Alan: Oh, come on!

Emma: Joke!

Alan: Cut that out!

Emma: Chill out! I was joking!

Magical_Taylor: You see this, Emma? *holding the pen* You joke about dying again, and you're getting sucked into this pen! Got it?

Emma: Yes.

Me: Some girl joked about being sentenced to death.

SkittishReflections: She needs some help. With Ray's sister about to die in a matter of days, it's not really appropriate to joke about death. I know how much that triggers you, sweetie. *hugs me*

Me: *hugs her back* Exactly, babe.

Emma: I said, I was joking! And, I bet Ray's sister is joking, too!

Magical_Taylor: *sucks Emma into the pen*

Emma: *getting sucked into the pen* Nooooooo!!!!! It was just a joooookeeee!!!

Magical_Taylor: Who's laughing now, Miss Smarty Pants?

This story was written on Tuesday, June 1st, 2021.

A/N More people have been joking about dying! They don't care who they trigger! 😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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